Volume 3 Chapter 18 - Punishment

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The tournament's semi-finalists were escorted back to the stage as the audience eagerly awaited the award ceremony. Director Cynthia beamed with excitement as she took to the podium.

"Without further ado, let's begin the award ceremony!" Cynthia announced, her voice echoing throughout the arena.

"Both Arthur Leywin and Lancelot Orbel made it to the semi-finals and secured third place. However, the judges have decided that Arthur's performance was superior, and he deserves third place. Congratulations, Arthur Leywin!" Cynthia announced, the audience erupting into applause.

As Arthur made his way to the stage to receive his bronze medal, I noticed Lancelot's disappointment, but he held his composure well.

"In second place, we have Alistair Eralith, who put on an amazing display of strength and skill. Well done, Alistair!" Cynthia said, handing him the silver medal.

"And now, the moment we've all been waiting for. The winner of the Xyrus Academy Magic Tournament is none other than Gary Whiteborn!" Cynthia exclaimed, the crowd's cheers reaching a fever pitch.

I felt a rush of excitement as I made my way up the steps to the podium. Cynthia draped the gold medal around my neck, and I basked in the warm glow of the crowd's cheers.

Standing on the podium, a rush of pride and satisfaction surged through me. The exhilarating feeling of winning was one that only those who have poured their hearts and souls into becoming strong can truly comprehend.

As the cheers of the crowd began to die down, Cynthia stepped forward to address the audience.

"Thus concludes the Xyrus Academy Tournament! I extend my gratitude to all who have traveled from far and wide to witness the brilliance of the next generation's prodigies!" she declared with a beaming smile.

As I watched the crowd disperse, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards my emotions. For so long, I had pushed them away, believing they were a weakness. But now, I saw the value in feeling, in experiencing the highs and lows that come with life.

Winning this tournament had been an incredible experience, one that had brought forth a range of emotions that I had never felt before. And as I stood there, taking in the moment, I knew that it was all worth it.


As I scanned the crowd, I caught sight of my family and the Helsteas making their way towards me. A wave of joy washed over me as my father raised his hand in excitement to capture my attention.

Without hesitation, I ran towards them, enveloping them in a tight embrace as they showered me with congratulations.

"You fought with such tenacity, Arthur," my mother beamed with pride after we separated, "I couldn't be prouder."

Sylvie chirped on top of my head in agreement, adding to the chorus of support.

Ellie, on the other hand, couldn't resist teasing me, "I can't believe my lazy brother managed to win third place!" I retaliated with a playful punch to the head, earning laughter from the group.

As they took turns admiring my bronze medal, I couldn't help but feel grateful for their unwavering support. Their presence reminded me of the importance of family and how their love and encouragement can drive us to achieve great things.

With a final round of hugs and well-wishes, it was time for us to part ways.

As I made my way down the corridor, my spirits were lifted from my recent encounter with my family. Suddenly, Claire approached me, and we engaged in some friendly conversation before she finally got to the point.

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