Volume 3 Chapter 5 - Classes and Professors I

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"Are you ready Gary?" I asked while buttoning up my Student Council blazer. I looked at myself in the mirror briefly before turning back to see Gary ready as well.

"Yes, we should go to our 'Special Class' now," he said as he opened the door and exited the room. I wordlessly followed him down the corridors towards our class.

Neither of us preferred to talk much, despite our somewhat close relationship. However, this meant that the silence between the two of us wasn't awkward, rather it felt more comfortable to me than making random small talk.

As we made our way through the students, they parted and made way for us, their eyes filled with admiration and respect and they stared at our faces. However, neither of us displayed any change in expression as we strode confidently down the hallway.

Eventually, we arrived at a classroom with a door that had a mana signature lock. I couldn't help but wonder how secretive and exclusive this class was as Gary effortlessly opened the door using his signature.

Inside, the class was small with only a few seats and a large arena just outside. The other members of the Paladins were already seated, and at the head of the classroom sat a young man with a sharp and angular face, his fiery red hair contrasting with his slender but toned physique.

"You must be the last students," he said with a smile. "You've grown much stronger since I last saw you Gary."

My eyes flickered to Gary, who showed a slight sign of surprise at the identity of the man.


Standing before me was a man I hadn't seen in five years, the Vice-Master of the main branch of the Adventurer's Guild, Nicole Fejalk. Since our last meeting, he had advanced a full core colour, showing immense growth and talent.

"Has he improved this much?" I thought, impressed with his progress. My deep connection with aether allowed me to sense that he was now in tune with the spirit, removing any doubt from my mind that he wasn't at least at the level of a Lance.

"You've improved by leaps and bounds, as expected," Nicole chuckled, acknowledging my growth.

Returning the compliment, I smiled and said, "The same could be said for you."

Taking our seats beside our respective fiancées, Lancelot and I listened as Nicole began the class.

"The Director created this class to nurture the seven greatest talents of Dicathen," he explained. "You are already too qualified to be taught by other professors. While I don't feel fully qualified to teach you, I'll do my best. The Director will also bring in the Lances for some sessions."

Everyone's eyes lit up at the mention of the Lances. They represented the pinnacle of strength on the continent, and the prospect of being taught by them was thrilling. However, I knew that Nicole was already on their level, and we would all surpass them in a few years.

My thought returned to the being I had encountered in the Death Talon Dungeon. She was beyond compare, so far above even the Lances that their power was insignificant in comparison.

As I contemplated the possibility of there being other beings as powerful as the one I had encountered, I couldn't help but feel that the people of Dicathen were limited in their understanding of the world.

My thoughts returned to the being's second power, which she had sealed away within me. Despite my attempts to access it using mana and aether, I found it impossible to interact with.

Just then, Nicole's words brought me back to the present moment. "Before we begin the class," he said, "I would like to challenge Gary Whiteborn to a rematch."

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