Volume 3 Chapter 3 - Settling In

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As I trudged towards the dorms, a heavy sigh escaped my lips. The Director had decided to make this a surprise, so I had no idea what my room number was or who I would be sharing my dorm with until after the ceremony.

The academy had two male and two female dorms, with the underclassmen and upperclassmen housed separately. Underclassmen were students who were still taking their general education classes, and they were moved to the upperclassmen dorms once they had completed these courses and chosen their area of specialization.

However, not all underclassmen dorms were created equal. There were exclusive dorms reserved for members of the Student Council and Disciplinary Committee, which were more upscale than the others.

"Room 386, room 386, room 386..." I muttered under my breath as I scanned the room numbers, finally locating my own.

"Finally!" I exclaimed, placing my hand on a round stone above the handle. The door recognized my mana signature and swung open, allowing me to step inside.

My room was certainly grander than the one described in Arthur's original story.

The space was vast, equivalent to three noble bedrooms combined. The room was almost divided in half, with two enormous beds occupying opposite sides. To the right, there was a bathroom with an oversized noble bath. On the left, there were numerous closets, spacious enough to accommodate all of my clothes.

In addition, there was a cosy mini living room with two couches and three chairs arranged around a white marble table. The floor of the room was covered entirely in a plush fur rug, which felt luxurious underfoot.

And, of course, I couldn't forget the two vanity desks, one in pink and the other in silver, which were lined up along one wall. Taking a deep breath in, I sat down on the luxurious couch and relaxed, waiting for my roommate to arrive.

While I was doing so, I began to think about what all happened. The story had been derailed heavily from the original.

There was no Elijah in the Academy and he wasn't Arthur's friend either. Arthur had a very important role from the beginning and he wasn't Lucas's enemy because he never went to the Dire Tombs.

This also means that Tessia won't get the infected beast will from him, so it was a good thing overall.

Xyrus Academy can be seen as the last "happy" arc of the story. Following this was simply depression of the War saga where many characters lost their lives.

'Which is what I want to prevent,' I thought.

The most important events that led to Dicathen's collapse were the continuous betrayal of the dwarves and the power gap.

The power gap wasn't something I could control much by. Also, it wasn't something that would likely have a great impact on the war anymore because of how powerful we Paladins are.

However, the betrayal of the dwarves was a key factor which led to Dicathen's fall. Of course, there was also Eralith's betrayal but that can be prevented much more easily if Dicathen was put in a winning situation.

They only betrayed to save their people, the dwarves betrayed because of greed.

'However, this makes it hard to prevent,' I frowned, 'I need to have enough influence in the Council by the time the war starts to restrict them.'

This was a daunting task, nearly impossible, in fact. An alternative solution would be to use Gary's capabilities, as he was widely regarded as the leader of our Paladin group. By the time the war erupted, most of us would have achieved the white stage, making us stronger than the lances as a whole. Therefore, Gary would wield considerable power and influence, making him a crucial asset.

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