Volume 4 Chapter 10 - Foreboding

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[A/N: The last chapter was meant to be the last chapter I upload, however, I find myself with more time than I know what to do with since I am stuck in a place I do not want to be in. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!]


The discussion among the four of us was crucial, but it left a sense of unease, foreshadowing the type of future we might be facing.

Rinia woke everyone up soon after, with the three of us pretending to have been asleep with them as well. Rinia made some excuse that she accidentally mixed in some herbs for relaxation that were a lot stronger than she anticipated. No one seemed to mind and we continued on with a light lunch that Rinia prepared out of edible plants and mushrooms. It tasted good despite the lack of meat, but by Sylvie's reaction, I'm sure she would disagree.

It was pretty late in the afternoon by the time we finished eating and had to get on our way. A bigger surprise than the fact that Rinia's home was in the center of a mountainside cliff was the fact that, through a secret door and passage, she had her own teleportation gate.

Since teleportation gates were made in ancient times, supposedly with the help of the deities, or Asuras, as I now know, it wasn't possible to make any more. Virion wasn't as surprised as everyone else, including me, but knowing Rinia's powers, I could only shrug and realise that this was something within her abilities.

After saying our goodbyes, Alistair, Tess, Sylvie, and I went through the gate. Along with the dizzy feeling after crossing, we were welcomed back to the edge of Xyrus City by guards that had their spears pointed at us.

After realizing that the unknown crossers were teenagers who had the Xyrus Academy uniforms on, they quickly lowered their weapons.

"We apologise, the portal you were coming from was read as an unknown gate, so we didn't know who or what would pop out from the other side. It's rare, but there have been times when mana beasts accidentally stumble through a teleportation gate somewhere deep in the Beast Glades," one of the guards, that seemed to be the leader, said, although his eyes still watched us with a studying gaze.

"It's fine. We came from one of the other cities of Elenoir and the guard did mention that he was having troubles with the gate from time to time," I shrugged.

With an understanding nod, the guards let us go and since there was no carriage waiting for us, the three of us walked to the nearest stop and found a carriage to take us. The sun was already setting and I could see the colour distortion in the sky as the Aurora Constellate was soon coming to its peak. It was a lot easier to see it from the floating city than through the dense trees in Elenoir.

'I have a good chance of breaking through to the next stage now,' I thought as I clenched my fist.

"Wow, the Aurora Constellate really is beautiful every time you see it," Tess said in awe.

"Kyu~" 'The sky is colourful!' Sylvie also sat at the edge of the carriage, her small head gazed up in appreciation.

When we made it back to the Helstea Manor, Sylvie scurried up the stairs leading to the door and scratched at it. As Tess, Al and I followed her up, the door opened, revealing a person that I didn't expect to see.

"Jasmine?!" I stopped where I stood and gasped.

"Long time no see," my mentor from my adventurer days replied, with the only visible sign on her expressionless face that she was happy to see me, the slight grin she had.

Before I had the chance to say anything more, the rest of the Twin Horns came, one by one, each with a big grin on their faces as they saw me with a girl they'd never seen before.

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