Volume 4 Chapter 12 - Despair

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Rachel and I sprinted towards the DC room, our hearts pounding with a mix of anticipation and dread. The swirling vortex of mana emanating from within the room sent shivers down my spine, a palpable aura of power that made my skin crawl. I could sense that whoever Alistair was facing was far beyond anything we had ever encountered before, even surpassing the likes of Gary in raw mana potency.

The question of whether he could defeat Gary was irrelevant. The being before us was clearly no pushover, and I could sense a dangerous level of power emanating from him.

With a deafening explosion, the DC room was reduced to a pile of rubble. Rachel and I rushed towards the scene, only to witness the invader lift Alistair by his collar with effortless ease. He looked almost bored as he surveyed the broken swordsman.

"That's it?" he remarked, his expression one of disappointment. "How are you so weak?"

Alistair's arms hung broken by his side, his weapons nowhere to be seen. I was ready to attack, but Sylph's voice in my mind urged caution.

'Lancelot, calm yourself,' she said urgently. 'This man... he's strong.'

As I stood there, trying to figure out what to do next, a sudden burst of flames erupted from the wreckage of the DC room. I turned to see a tall figure emerging from the flames, cradling the unconscious form of Alistair in his arms. It was Professor Fejalk, the Paladin professor.

"Professor!" Rachel and I called out in unison, relieved to see him alive.

The invader sneered as he surveyed the scene before him. His black horns, adorned with glittering jewels, jingled in triumph as he charged at the Professor with lightning-fast speed. But the Professor was quick on his feet, sidestepping the invader's attack at the last possible moment.

"Interesting," the invader remarked with a smirk, as he prepared to launch another attack.

Rachel and I acted quickly, our combined mana creating a powerful shield to block the enemy's punch. The force of his attack was immense, and the shield trembled under the impact.

As I focused on maintaining the shield, I couldn't help but marvel at the enemy's strength. 'What power!' I thought, amazed at his abilities. Despite the cracks appearing on the shield, the enemy looked impressed, a sly smile forming on his face.

"Late as usual, Uto," the invader's voice cut through the chaos of the battlefield as he turned towards another enemy, an older man with smaller horns.

"My apologies, Sir Jezebeth," Uto replied, tossing someone over his shoulder, "This boy proved to be quite a handful."

Arthur's broken and bloodied form crashed onto the ground with a sickening thud. I could see the slow, shallow rise and fall of his chest, indicating he was still alive. A wave of anger and helplessness washed over me, as I was unable to do anything to save him.

The power emanating from Jezebeth was overwhelming, and I knew that even with Rachel and I working together, we stood no chance against him. Uto, though not as strong as Jezebeth, was still a formidable opponent and far beyond our capabilities.

Rachel and I activated our Spirit Dive to its fullest potential, but even that would only buy us a little time against Jezebeth.

"How long can the three of you entertain me?" Jezebeth taunted with a wicked grin on his face before charging at us with blinding speed.


As I patrolled the battlefield, my focus honed on the task at hand, killing the mana beasts that threatened the safety of the students. I launched arrow after arrow, each one finding its mark and taking down the beasts with deadly precision. The students around me thanked me for my support, but I barely acknowledged them, my mind consumed by the task at hand.

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