Volume 8 Chapter 1 - Transition

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[A/N: Hey guys, I came back to write this final volume because of an encouraging review I got on webnovel. Enjoy!]

|Kezess Indrath|

I despised the concept of change. The notion of transformation, of things evolving and becoming different, was abhorrent to me. For lesser beings, change may be an inherent part of their existence, but as an Asura who had lived for thousands of years, it was an irksome prospect.

Instead of change, I sought absolute certainty. I yearned for unwavering control and unchallenged dominion. As the heir to the Indraths and the leader of the mighty Asura race, I ensured that my rule over them was unyielding. Even the most powerful among the Asuras dared not step out of line in my presence.

That was the natural order. That was how it should be.

This mindset led me to eliminate Saphira, even if it required collaboration with Agrona. She was an anomaly, an agent of change threatening to disrupt the established order of Epheotus.

However, change was insidiously seeping into our world. It began with seven insignificant buds sprouting in Dicathen. At first, I dismissed them as inconsequential nuisances. But to my dismay, these buds swiftly blossomed into formidable flowers that surpassed even my own might.

In less than two decades, these anomalies had grown into forces to be reckoned with. They possessed powers that exceeded my own, wielding potential that could bring about even more profound change.

A new shift in the world had occurred, one that puzzled me greatly.

Epheotus, despite being separated from the planet where Dicathen and Alacarya resided, remained intrinsically connected to it.

I could sense the influx of mana originating from that planet, causing the mana density in Epheotus to rise as well.

This surge in mana bolstered the strength of the Asuras, empowering them beyond their previous limits. However, it had a similar effect on the Paladins and Legacies as well.

What was Agrona's intention behind orchestrating such a phenomenon?

Understanding his motives eluded me.

Ever since the day I first laid eyes on the audacious young Vritra, determined to challenge the established order and elevate his race, I found him perplexing. It amused me, so I allowed his endeavors to unfold. Even when he clandestinely pursued Sylvia, I permitted it to transpire.

Yet, I never anticipated that everything would escalate to its current state. Who could have foreseen that a Vritra, hailing from one of the weakest Asura races, would one day amass enough power to pose a threat to Epheotus? Who could have predicted that he would dare to take the life of my daughter, who was essentially the princess of the Asuras?

Resting my head against my throne, my eyes shimmered with lavender brilliance.

I had been foolish.

Our staunch rejection of change had led the Asuras to stagnate.

'Is this why the Djinns sought to withhold knowledge of aether from us?' I pondered, observing the ethereal motes swirling around my fingertips. My understanding of aether paled in comparison to the heights achieved by the Djinns.

A profound regret washed over me.

"I never intended for matters to escalate to this extent," I murmured, "I did not envision the destruction of an entire planet. But in order to safeguard Epheotus, I am left with no choice."

The endgame had arrived.

|Agrona Vritra|

A deep exhalation escaped my lips as my gaze fell upon the figure before me.

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