Volume 4 Chapter 18 - Council

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[A/N: Triple update today as I just want this volume to finish already. Two more chapters left.]


As Xyrus Academy shrank in the distance, my gaze remained fixed upon it. Though the physical place held little significance to me, my time within its walls as a student mage had been filled with both ordinary experiences and extraordinary feats. After all, for the most powerful mage and the greatest genius of Dicathen, even the notion of being ordinary was a relative concept.

With the confirmation of Jezebeth's presence in this world, my plans were bound to undergo drastic changes. The stakes had been raised, and I knew that more extreme measures would be required to ensure the strength and victory of Dicathen against the rival continent.

Engaging in small talk with the three Lances and my fellow Paladins, we exchanged curious inquiries about each other's abilities. While I participated in the conversation, my mind was already consumed by the formulation of future strategies and plans.

A notable transformation had taken hold of Arthur since Claire's demise. Though I hadn't initially considered her significance to him, it became evident through his cold demeanor after her death that she held a special place in his heart.

However, rather than merely shedding his emotions, it seemed as if Arthur had awakened a truer version of himself, one unburdened by sentimentality. Surprisingly, he appeared surprisingly comfortable with this newfound aspect.

Inwardly, I recognized the potential value of such a transformed Arthur. He would undoubtedly prove to be a valuable tool in my arsenal, a pawn I could deftly maneuver to serve my future plans.

With determination in my eyes, I continued to contemplate the unfolding events, steadfast in my commitment to forge a path that would secure the triumph of Dicathen and shape the destiny of our world.

My inward musings were abruptly interrupted when Varay abruptly halted her flight, her attention shifting to a communication scroll she retrieved from her pocket. Her eyes scanned the surroundings with a keen sense of alertness.

"We have arrived," she declared.

I surveyed the sky around us, seemingly devoid of anything beyond the occasional oblivious birds that dared to approach our airspace. To the untrained eye, it appeared as though there was nothing to see. Yet, with my intimate connection to aether, I could perceive a subtle manipulation of aether, a concealment deliberately cast to obscure something from the sight of ordinary observers. Alistair and Arthur, attuned in their own ways, seemed to share my awareness, their gaze lingering on the enigmatic structure with heightened curiosity.

Raising her hand, Varay seemed to engage in a peculiar interaction with the very air itself. In response, a soft click resonated through the atmosphere, and to our astonishment, the sky parted to unveil a magnificent metal staircase, extending into the heavens.

"Welcome," Varay announced with a touch of reverence, "to the Council's floating castle."

We proceeded along the corridor in solemn silence, the rhythmic sound of our footsteps reverberating through the metallic passage. To either side, an array of doors presented themselves, each distinct in color and material, standing in stark contrast to the uniformity of the corridor. Though the path seemed to stretch endlessly, we were fortunate that Varay eventually halted our advance, choosing a seemingly arbitrary door on the left. With a purposeful knock, the door swung open, revealing a formidable figure—a towering man armored like a bear.

My gaze lingered upon him, taking in his imposing presence.

"My Lords," the guard immediately knelt, head bowed in deference.

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