Volume 7 - Epilogue

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My eyes narrowed as I fixated my gaze upon the enigmatic device occupying the center of the expansive hall. It exuded an aura of potent aether, its power palpable to even the most untrained senses. Surrounding it stood Agrona, Jezebeth, Kevin, and Cecilia, alongside other formidable Vritras.

However, my attention was not diverted by their presence. It was solely consumed by the dangerous contraption before me—a device fueled by aether. Its intricate design and construction hinted at the fusion of Fate, Aevum, Spatium, and Vivum, the four fundamental edicts of aether. The mere notion of harnessing the combined power of these elements in a single device was perplexing, even baffling.

This otherworldly creation defied conventional understanding, raising questions about how Agrona, a Vritra, had managed to conceive such a formidable invention. The purpose of this device loomed ominously, shrouded in secrecy.

My inquiries were abruptly answered as the device's sinister intention manifested before my very eyes. A colossal rift tore open in the fabric of space, revealing a sprawling chasm brimming with unbound aether. Its magnitude sent shivers down my spine, for I knew that if this immense reservoir of raw energy were to be unleashed, Alacarya would face complete annihilation.

Yet, Agrona's true intentions diverged from my initial assumptions.

In a mesmerizing display, a figure emerged from the portal, sending a chill down my spine that prickled the hairs on my arms. The aura that emanated from him was undeniably formidable—a Demon Prince from the realm I once called home.

Though not the most powerful of Demon Princes, his rank soared to the remarkable <SSS-> level, surpassing the vast majority of beings in this world. His presence alone carried an air of menace that instilled both awe and dread.

His transition into this unfamiliar realm proved agonizing, evident from the pained groans that escaped his lips. The aether and mana of this world vehemently rejected him, effectively dampening his once-awe-inspiring might. The oppressive suppression diminished his strength considerably, presenting a unique opportunity to neutralize him.

Confusion clouded the Demon Prince's expression as he glanced around, attempting to comprehend his surroundings. His gaze eventually settled upon Jezebeth, and despite the Vritra's altered appearance, recognition dawned upon the Demon Prince, prompting a respectful bow.

"My King! You have survived!" the Demon Prince exclaimed, a mix of surprise and reverence coloring his tone.

Jezebeth, seizing the opportunity to exploit the Demon Prince's loyalty and ignorance of his current weakened state, responded with a smile of acknowledgment. "Indeed, Retainer Rodrick. I have been reborn in this world. I require your aid, and thus, I summoned you here."

Unaware of Jezebeth's diminished power, the Demon Prince pledged his unwavering allegiance, his loyalty unwavering. He remained oblivious to the reversal of their roles, continuing to exhibit the respect befitting his perception of Jezebeth as a superior entity.

With unwavering determination, I swiftly launched a surprise attack on the Demon Prince, catching everyone off-guard. Desperate attempts were made to intervene, yet I managed to strike him and abruptly teleport us away, leaving the others in a state of shock and confusion.

However, just before I vanished, Kevin's sword and Cecilia's attack managed to graze me, causing a sharp pain and a metallic taste that lingered on my tongue—a small price to pay for seizing the opportunity to separate the Demon Prince from his newfound allies.

As the Demon Prince and I materialized in an unknown location, I sensed a powerful presence emanating from Dicathen. Without hesitation, I opened a portal, propelling the Demon Prince through it and into the heart of that city. Although he possessed greater inherent strength, his unfamiliarity with the intricacies of aether granted me a temporary advantage.

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