Volume 3 Chapter 4 - Disciplinary Committee

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"Are these the final members?" I asked Alistair, confirming our selection for the Disciplinary Committee. He nodded, and I quickly scanned the list.

"Lucas is out," Alistair said firmly, "He's too dangerous to be on the team after what happened in the Dire Tombs."

I sighed, knowing that Lucas was a talented adventurer, but his betrayal and recklessness had caused the death of several others. He couldn't be trusted.

"Agreed," I said, and the rest of the group nodded in unison.

"Then we're going with Kai Crestless, Feyrith Ivsaar III, Doradrea Oreguard, and Curtis Glayder," Rachel confirmed. I noticed a flicker of emotion on her face when she mentioned Kai's name, but I decided not to inquire further.

"Excellent," Alistair said, "We'll convene at the back of the auditorium for our next meeting. And Arthur, please make sure to arrive on time. I can't believe you manage to be late even when I wake you up before leaving."

I grinned and saluted him jokingly. "Aye aye, Captain!"



"Shit Alistair's going to kill me!" I exclaimed while quickly throwing my uniform around my body.

Sylvie's eyelids were half-open as I picked her up and plopped her on top of my head, balancing her using wind magic before sprinting towards the auditorium at full speed.

I ignored the curious looks of passersby as I accelerated my speed even more, moving the mana particles from my yellow core throughout my entire body.

Arriving at the back entrance to the auditorium, I straightened up my shirt, vest and strap, and opened the door, feeling tired, sleepy, curious, and a bit excited.

Sylvie had woken up by now and was "kyu" -ing in excitement while swaying her head from side to side.

As I opened the door to the back entrance of the auditorium, I was met with an unexpected greeting.

My hair was blown back by a bloodcurdling roar as Sylvie had to cling onto me to avoid falling off. Along with the deafening shout of the mana beast that greeted me came bullets of saliva that showered my face and upper chest.

"There, there." While wiping off the spit of the mana beast, I nonchalantly proceeded to pet its face, which was inches away from my own. This mana beast stood about two meters high on all fours. Its body was covered in thick dark brown fur and a deep red mane circled its head. Two pointed, vicious teeth spouted out from above its jaw, making it all the more menacing, but compared to Sylvie's dragon form, I could only see it as an overgrown kitten.

Even Sylvie looked at the mana beast with little interest as she just settled back on top of my head.

"Woah... he wasn't surprised at all..." From behind the mana beast peeked out a student that looked to be a couple of years older than I was. He had very dull, light grey—almost white—hair that reached over his brows. He had narrow eyes that were virtually slits and a smile on his face that didn't come off as pleasant but more so mocking.

Though lean and tall, his overall frame looks quite frail. What stuck out the most, however, was that his uniform was very different from mine and any other I'd seen so far. He wore a loose, dark grey oriental-style robe that covered his arms and came down past his torso, black pants, and a golden sash tied around his waist. Peeking out of the inside of his robe was the insignia that all of the disciplinary committee members had to carry around—the silver knife. Something felt a tad off about him—something that made me wary.

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