Volume 7 Chapter 9 - Return

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[NA/N: I am not sure how Arthur returned to Dicathen, did he just use Godstep on a super long range or something? Anyway, I made up an artifact for that task.]


A bittersweet tension hung in the air as the time for our departure approached. Seris stood before me, her slender frame emanating a newfound strength and resolve. The trials within the Relictombs had honed her skills, but I couldn't shake off the worry that gnawed at my heart.

"Are you sure you'll be alright, Seris?" I inquired, my voice laced with genuine concern. Her safety was paramount to me, a responsibility that weighed heavily on my shoulders. Though she had grown in leaps and bounds during our perilous journey, I knew all too well the formidable foes that awaited beyond the Relictombs. The Legacies were a force to be reckoned with, their power and influence spreading like a sinister shadow.

A reassuring smile graced Seris's lips as she clasped my hand, her touch both warm and comforting. "Fear not, Arthur," she assured me, her voice brimming with a newfound confidence, "I have come this far, and I will continue to forge my path. You need to return to Dicathen, to confront the challenges that await you there."

Her words resonated within me, a gentle reminder of the unfinished business that lay beyond the Relictombs. It had been a year since I first arrived in Alacarya, and my purpose still burned brightly within me. Reviving Sylvie, my sister-in-arms who had sacrificed herself to save us, remained a driving force, an unyielding beacon of hope.

Regis's voice echoed in my mind, his tone heavy with sorrow. "You didn't manage to revive Sylvie," he lamented, his words like a blade twisting within me. It was true, the absence of her presence was a constant ache in my heart, a void that could never be truly filled. Yet, I refused to relinquish hope, knowing that I would find the necessary aether, the life essence required to bring her back.

With a determined nod, I acknowledged Seris's words, my grip on her hand tightening. "Take care, Seris. And Caera," I cautioned, turning my attention to the other Alacaryan warrior who had stood faithfully by my side throughout our perilous journey. "The world beyond these Relictombs is treacherous, and trust must be earned. Beware of those who may bear false intentions, for betrayal can lurk in the shadows."

Caera met my gaze, her eyes reflecting a blend of resilience and determination. "We will remain vigilant, Arthur," she affirmed, her voice unwavering, "Our loyalty lies with you and the cause we fight for."

A mixture of gratitude and concern swirled within me as I reluctantly released Seris's hand, preparing to depart. The road ahead was fraught with challenges and uncertainties, but I would face them head-on, armed with the strength forged in the Relictombs and the unwavering support of my trusted allies.

As I turned to leave, I cast a final glance back at Seris and Caera, their figures etched in my mind as symbols of hope and unwavering dedication. With a resolute spirit, I ventured forth, ready to confront the trials that awaited me in Dicathen and beyond, guided by the conviction that the path to victory and redemption would be paved with sacrifice and unyielding determination.

With a swift motion, I retrieved the artifact from my dimensional storage, its mystical power pulsating within my grasp. The Djinns had bestowed upon me this invaluable tool as a reward for my triumph in the treacherous Relictomb. Activating the artifact, a surge of spatium engulfed me, unraveling the very fabric of space and time, transporting me to the precise spatial coordinates I desired.

In a blink, I traversed the vast expanse of Alacarya, traversing continents and crossing vast oceans in an instant, until I arrived at my intended destination: Ashber, my hometown.

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