Volume 3 Chapter 14 - Quarter Finals II

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The anticipation was palpable as I prepared to face my opponent, Kathyln, in the quarterfinals. She was renowned for her prowess in archery and ice magic, making her a formidable adversary.

As we took our positions, I could feel our auras colliding, with Kathyln narrowly losing out to my own. Despite this, I had no intention of underestimating her and refused to rely on Bell's power to gain an advantage.

Kathyln wasted no time in unleashing her magic, quickly transforming the battleground into a treacherous ice field. I used my wind magic to levitate myself just above the ground, determined not to slip up and expose myself to her attacks.

With a quick incantation, I conjured Gale Arrows made entirely of wind magic, ready to strike at Kathyln. But before I could even release them, she countered with a flurry of her own arrows, expertly neutralising my attack.

I watched in awe as she gracefully pulled back the string of her bow, firing off six arrows in the blink of an eye. Two of them raced towards me with incredible speed, forcing me to react quickly to avoid being hit.

Despite the intensity of the battle, I remained focused and determined. 

As I watched Kathyln's fluid footwork on the ice field, I couldn't help but be impressed by her agility. She moved with such grace, constantly shifting her position to avoid my attacks.

Our battle continued with a flurry of long-range spells, neither of us gaining an advantage. I knew I needed to step up my game if I wanted to come out on top.

Summoning all my concentration, I activated one of my most potent abilities, [Mana Sovereignty]. The wind mana in the air instantly responded to my call, allowing me to amplify my spells to a whole new level.

With a renewed sense of confidence, I conjured a massive green hawk made entirely of wind mana, sending it hurtling towards my opponent. 

As the green hawk I conjured closed in on Kathyln, she quickly responded with an ice spell that countered it perfectly, a move beyond my estimation. Undeterred, I summoned my sword from my spatial ring and charged towards her.

Kathyln, with only her bow as a weapon, quickly retreated, firing off arrows to keep me at bay. Her movements were graceful and swift, but I was relentless in my pursuit.

I closed the distance between us and swung my sword, aiming for a decisive blow. But Kathyln was not one to be taken by surprise. With incredible agility, she dodged my attack and fired a flurry of arrows in response.

I barely managed to deflect her arrows with my sword before leaping back to avoid her next strike. Our battle had intensified, each of us pushing ourselves to our limits.

Despite my [Mana Sovereignty], Kathyln's skill and speed were proving to be a formidable challenge. I needed to come up with a new strategy if I wanted to secure victory.

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