Volume 6 Chapter 0 - Prologue

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[A/N: Hello guys! I am still on the three week hiatus, however, I have my friend taking over for Volume 6 as he is very interested in writing. The style will be very similar as we both learned from each other, so there won't be much difference other than perhaps battle scenes and characters. Please comment on his writing and suggest improvements! All author's notes after this will primarily be from him and not from me.]


Fury burned in Glayder's eyes as he unleashed a vehement slam of his fists upon the long, rectangular table around which we were gathered. The room reverberated with the force of his frustration, a testament to the gravity of the situation at hand.

"You're telling me," Glayder seethed, his voice laced with a mix of anger and disbelief, "that the ship that just returned to Dicathen is not Dicatheous?"

Gideon, the aged inventor, stood his ground, his weathered features marked with determination and certainty. His voice resonated with unwavering conviction as he addressed the king's question.

"Your Majesty, while it remains speculative whether the ship belongs to the Alacryan Army, I can assure you with absolute certainty that it is not the Dicatheous," Gideon replied, his tone laced with a hint of regret.

An air of tension hung heavy in the room as the gravity of Gideon's revelation settled upon us. It had been less than an hour since Gideon, Varay, and my granddaughter had arrived at the castle, bearing crucial information that demanded the immediate attention of King and Queen Glayder, as well as our esteemed guests.

As Gary, my son, his wife, and even the asura, Lord Aldir, had joined us, the urgency of the situation compelled us to convene this impromptu gathering.

Seeking further clarification, Glayder pressed Gideon for concrete evidence. The king's voice brimmed with a mix of desperation and determination.

"What makes you so certain, Gideon?" Glayder implored, his gaze fixed unwaveringly upon the inventor.

Gideon released a weary sigh, the weight of his knowledge evident in his worn expression. Collecting his thoughts, he proceeded to provide a detailed explanation, his words carrying the weight of undeniable truth.

"During the construction of the Dicatheous, I implemented a series of distinctive markers throughout its foundation," Gideon revealed, his voice tinged with a touch of pride. "They served as my personal signature, a testament to my craft and a means to ensure the ship's authenticity."

Alduin, my son, leaned forward, captivated by the unfolding revelation. His curiosity compelled him to seek further clarification.

"A signature?" Alduin echoed, his tone a mixture of intrigue and disbelief.

Gideon nodded, a faint blush of embarrassment tingeing his cheeks. He continued, elucidating the significance of his distinct mark.

"Yes, indeed. The Dicatheous was a creation I held in the highest regard, and I wanted future generations to recognize my contribution," Gideon confessed, a hint of nostalgia coloring his words. "Upon careful inspection of this ship's exposed frames, I found no trace of the distinctive marker. Instead, entirely different materials and construction techniques were employed."

The weight of Gideon's revelation hung heavily in the room, the implications sinking in. Glayder, consumed by frustration, could contain his anger no longer. He rose from his seat, his voice echoing with exasperation.

"Damn it all!" Glayder's voice reverberated, a potent mixture of frustration and resolve. 

"Blaine, control yourself," Gary commanded, his voice carrying a commanding tone as he infused his words with a pulse of mana. "This situation calls for calmness and logical thinking. Varay, what are the chances of this being a trap?"

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