Volume 1 Chapter 5 - Prince of Elenoir

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|Virion's Perspective|

"Boy, quickly come with me!" I said in a slightly sharp voice while signalling Alistair to follow me. Alduin and Merial exchanged confused looks but continued to follow me regardless.

I stopped in front a door, injecting my mana on the handle to open it. The door swung open to reveal an orb like device with a circle of various names surrounding it.

"Father, why have you brought Alistair to the Family Blood room?" Alduin asked me curiously. I answered without looking back, "This brat can use plant magic."

Shocked gasps escaped both Merial and Alduin as they realised what it meant.

"Brat, take a drop of your blood and put it on the device," I ordered. He nodded and punctured a small hole in his skin using mana, dripping some blood on the device.

The blood was different from normal. It had a shiny quality to it, but I ignored it and eagerly awaited the result after telling Alistair some more about the device.

"Brat, this device takes your blood and compares it to many branches of the elves, showing which family branch you come from. It's an ancient device and a royal treasure."

His eyes widened before he scrutinised the device with more glee.

The clear orb glittered in crimson colour as the blood spread throughout the entire device. After it was done, a branch lit up.

Eager, I quickly went over and scanned the branch. Connecting the branch to the current family name, I gasped as I realised who Alistair's father was.

"T-the Riverett Family," I announced, "Brat, you're the son of the previous Lance!"

He turned his head in confusion at the mention of the word of Lance. However, Alduin stuttered out in surprise, "T-that's impossible! D-didn't the Lance die in a mission in Elshire!"

The brat seemed to be connecting the dots as he replied, "My mother did tell me that she found dad injured while fighting a beast and she defeated the beast to help him. Then the two of them fell in love and made a cottage in the forest."

'His mother helped a Lance? I knew she wasn't ordinary but who would've thought that. She must at least be at the level of a Lance then. A human Lance?'

"This is incredible, Father!" Merial said in an excited voice, "This means that the Riverett Family was been revived! A descendent of the great family was found!"

I nodded in agreement before turning back to Alistair, "Brat, now you can get engaged to Tessia on equal grounds."

His face turned red like a tomato at my statement. The royal couple didn't have anything to refute. The two of them whispered to each other before Alduin finally said, "I am fine with Alistair's engagement with Tessia if the both of them truly want it."

A wide smile appeared on my face as I could almost imagine my cute little great-grandparents I would be getting in a dozen years or so.

"Brat, you should now get your inheritance," I said before slapping his back.

"Inheritance?" he asked, puzzled.

"In Elenoir, the royal family takes all of the inheritance of a noble family if there are no descendants left alive. However, now that you are here, you have the right to get the Riverett Family's inheritance." Alduin explained with a kind smile.

"But Father, this poses a new problem," Merial said as she turned towards me.

I nodded and got on my knees in front of Alistair.

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