Volume 4 Chapter 13 - Betrayal

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My body was on the brink of collapse, begging me to give up and crumble to the ground. But I refused to yield. With every ounce of strength left in me, I managed to stand, thanks to the healing power of Realmheart coursing through my body. However, I was well aware that once I released the power of Realmheart, the backlash would be severe, potentially resulting in death or severe injury.

As I prepared to face my fate, something unexpected happened.

We didn't have to do anything.

The red-tinted barrier surrounding the school shattered from above, showering the ground with broken fragments. They reflected the vibrancy of the Aurora Constellation, which was almost in full bloom in the night sky, transforming the bloodstained academy into a scene straight out of a fairytale.

As we all looked up, four figures descended gracefully amidst the shimmering rain of broken barrier shards. Even before I could make out their identities, the overwhelming pressure they radiated was unmistakable.

The Lances.


As I surveyed the blood-soaked academy before me, anger boiled in my veins at the sight of the fallen students. Most members of the Paladins were fighting against the four most powerful enemies, doing everything to hold them back.

I turned my gaze to the others beside me and felt a sense of unity as we all released our mana in unison, ready to take on the enemy before us. Even under the pressure of four opposing Lances, the two enemies in front of us stood firm, their expressions unflinching.

The enemy, a lanky figure, taunted us with amusement as he spoke, "Are the four of you the so-called Lances?"

I gritted my teeth, my resolve strengthened by the sight of my fallen comrades. We would show him what the Lances were truly made of.

"I am Uto, one of the retainers of Alacarya, and today I shall execute four more Lances of Dicathen in the name of the Vritras!" Uto announced with a sneer, his eyes glinting with malice.

The younger but more powerful enemy stepped forward, his voice dripping with superiority. "Uto, deal with them swiftly and make sure they do not interrupt me."

Uto bowed in deference before turning his attention towards us.

Without hesitation, we sprang into action. Alea rushed to aid Princess Kathyln against her two assailants, while Varay, Olfred, and I focused our attention on the two enemies in front of us.

With lightning coursing through my body, I darted towards Uto, emulating Gary's lightning magic. I concentrated the energy in front of me, increasing my attack power.

Despite the intensity of my lightning, Uto easily blocked my attacks with his fists. The electric current danced around his body but failed to inflict any significant damage.

"You're not bad," the retainer taunted before delivering a sharp blow to my stomach.

While Uto was distracted, Varay unleashed a barrage of ice magic, but the retainer countered with a flurry of black spikes that materialized out of thin air, unlike metal magic.

Meanwhile, Olfred focused on getting the wounded students to safety, while Varay and I continued our assault on Uto.

Despite my lightning magic empowering me with heightened reaction time and movement speed, Uto effortlessly dodged my attacks while simultaneously keeping Varay at bay with his metal magic. His movements were so quick and precise that it was almost as if he could predict our every move.

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