Volume 1 Chapter 4 - Zestier II

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(A/N: It was so hard for me to think of this chapter name since it covered so much stuff. I will mostly be using Arthur's perspective while Alistair is still young because I just don't think I would do a good job writing from the perspective of a child. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy!)

|Arthur's Perspective|

I roused from my sleep, kicking the sheet off me before getting up and rubbing my eyes. Looking to the side, I saw a blushing Alistair assaulted by a laughing Tessia.

"G' morning Art! Help me wake up Al now!" Tess said before giving me a radiant smile.

"Come on sleepyhead! You need to meet grandpa soon! H-hey! Don't go back to sleep!" She bounced up and down, still straddled on top of Al.

Did she not know how indecent this may look to others? Haa...the innocence of youth.

However, I could see that Al was just too embarrassed to get up. Hell, I didn't blame him. That was the typical reaction to seeing a cute girl like Tess jump on top of you to wake you up.

"I-I-I am getting up Tess! Could you please get off me!?" Al said in a stuttering voice in a desperate attempt to get Tess off him.

"Tess, let Al get up," I said to help the poor kid. She pouted at my statement before slowly getting off Al.

Damn it, she looked so cute with her pouting face.

"Hehe~ Art, your hair looks funny. Hey hey, is it true that you two are going to be staying here for a while? Grandpa told me this morning! I'm so happy! You're really staying, right? Right?" Tess exclaimed with a wide smile pasted on her cute face.

How the hell was she so energetic this early in the morning?

Trying to tame my bed hair, I responded, "We'll know for sure after my trip with Elder Virion, but most likely, it seems I'll be bothering you for a bit longer, Princess."

She stabbed my side with her finger, "Not Princess! Tess! T. E. S. S.! I'm going to get upset if you don't treat me better."

"Al, get up now!" she demanded before turning her attention back to the poor four-year-old. However, he refused to get up, staying glued to his bed.

Suddenly, Tess jumped back on his bed and began pulling his sheet away. A sudden realisation hit me about why Al didn't get up yet.

"No Tess don't take his sheet away he is—" I said but was interrupted when Tess managed to successfully yank the sheet from Al.

She let out a scream as her ears turned crimson. Covering her eyes using her hands, she bolted away from the room.

I turned towards Al and found my worst nightmare come true. He had taken off his top while sleeping, revealing his upper body.

A small but well-defined six-pack was visible and my eyes widened in shock.

'What kind of physique does this guy have?' I thought as Al turned his accusing gaze towards me. He then quickly ran to the bathroom to get a bath, using wind mana to boost his speed.

After he finished, I also took a shower.

As the two of us made our way down the flight of curved stairs, Al still refusing to communicate with me, a butler opened the front door for me and I spotted a small carriage with Grandpa Virion and Tess inside.

"Father! It is not appropriate for a human and a half-elf to be residing within this kingdom!"

"Alduin is right, Elder Virion. Although saving Tessia is something I will forever be grateful for, having the two of them stay here goes against all traditions."

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