The new girl - Scott x country!reader

Start from the beginning

"Sure!" You smiled. "It's nice to meet someone who has something in common with my hometown. It's been a bit lonely."

Scott grinned, mischievously. "Well, you're not alone anymore."

You giggled, and finished your sandwich. "I guess I'm not."

The bell rang, so you and Scott walked together to class. Just as you were walking, a boy named Alex decided to call you out. Alex was known as

"Hey you, heard you were from a hick town." Alex sneered, giving you a smirk.

Before you could react, Scott stepped in front of you, protectively, "Leave her alone."

"Or what?"

Scott pushed Alex onto the ground, and the verbal fight started escalating to the point where it almost resulted in intense physical confrontation. Before things could get out of hand, you gently grabbed Scott's hand, leading him away from Alex, so he wouldn't get suspended.

"Scott, it's okay. Just ignore him. Remember, it's better to respond with kindness in these situations. People like Alex have issues deep within themselves." You whispered, wrapping your arm around him, leading him to class.

Scott blushed at the physical contact, slowly nodding, taking in your words. As you both walked to class, Scott knew that you were really something special.


As you and Scott strolled hand in hand by the creek after school, Scott shared stories about the farm and the animals he cared for, along with his kitchen rat shenanigans. You listened intently, growing to admire Scott more and more. With your shared laughter echoing throughout the creek, Scott knew he was smitten.

"There's a swing!" You exclaimed, pointing to a tire with a rope attached to it on the tree. "I used to have one of these back home as a child."

Scott gazed at the swing with a mischievous glint in his eyes, "Well, say how about I push you?"

"Scott, you're too much!" You giggled, still eyeing the swing. "I'm scared I might break it. It's been awhile since I've rode in one."

"Nonsense." Scott said, giving you a gentle smile. "It would be fun."

"Just promise you'll catch me if I fall." You teased, taking Scott's hand to lead him towards the swing.

Scott nodded, then you sat in between the tire, gripping the rope. Scott ran back then forward to give you a hard push, with your feet lifting off the ground. You closed your eyes, feeling the wind hit your face, with a touch of nostalgia.

After a few pushes, you set on the ground and asked, "Hey Scott, why don't I push you too?"

Scott nodded, then positioned himself on the swing, waiting for you to push him. You pushed Scott with all your might, but to both of your horrors, he swung back too quickly, accidentally knocking you to the ground. You winced in pain, feeling your back.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry!" Scott cried, kneeling down next to you. He helped you up, then you dusted off your dress.

"It's fine." You laughed, shaking your head, still holding your back. "That was quite an experience."

Scott had his arm around you, guiding you toward a nearby bench. "How about we take it easy and sit down?"

You nodded, sitting beside him. "Yeah, my back is a little strained."

As you and Scott sat together on that bench and conversed, you realized that you had a lot more in common than you think. You both had a love for the countryside, you both were close to your family, and you both had a love for animals. You learned that Scott has deep trauma involving sharks, and you made a mental note to never ask him to go to the beach with you.

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