Chapter 137: Revenge Under the Moonlit Castle {3}

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They narrowed their eyes behind their masks. Naruto did not have time to fool around with a clan member that belonged to Tokugawa.

It didn't matter of this guy's existence because what he needed was not the head of a clan member, but the head of their prized leader.

The man hailed as the strongest swordsman of the current period. No, perhaps he's been the greatest swordsman for almost a century, and not this period only. 

Ai looked at them, sighing as she brought her hands to the side, blocking them. She then took a step forward, her disguised hair silently following.

"I'll deal with this guy. You two go on ahead and either find another way in or bypass this Makoto guy." Naruto and Ina nodded his head, knowing that this was the best course of action to take.

Between Ina and Ai, the former had more knowledge on the layout of the building, so the guide could be of help for Naruto. But the only question was: how exactly were Naruto and Ina going to get inside of this place?

Naruto clicked his tongue, backing away as Makoto approached.

"Ai... you better get out of this shit alive; you and Yu both."

"Heh, if only our leader had more faith in our ability." She rolled her eyes. Naruto shook his head as Makoto continued to advance forward. Naruto looked to the side, his eyes catching Ina.

"Get ready."

"For what?"

Ina asked back, not knowing what else he could possibly get ready for. It was then did - at the moment it happened - did Ina realize what Naruto was saying.

Naruto's body was enveloped in a scorching hot lightning, the green hues dancing all along his body. Makoto frowned, seemingly recognizing the technique as though it wasn't his first time witness such a thing.

Naruto grabbed the back of Ina's shirt. 

Makoto reacted to this action by dashing forward, sprinting so he could reach Naruto in time. But it was useless in the end for Makoto, in which Naruto had completely disappeared, a loud rupture booming from the malevolent speed.

His long black hair was violently swished back as Naruto - with Ina in his hand - broke through the doors that blocked their way. Makoto turned back, immediately thinking to chase after the two, but Ai had different plans.

Appearing before him, blocking his route forward, she unleashed a wave of ice that forced Makoto to stop his movement. She did not budge a muscle, firmly intending to keep blocking Makoto's way to Naruto and Ina.

"If you want to get inside, then you'll have to go through the left hand of Grace." She stared at him with increasing intensity. 


"Gahh!" Mako and Eun yelled simultaneously, forcibly pushed back as Suki marched forward without a single scratch on her body except for the dirt that the debris had placed itself onto her clothing.

"What does your skill see? Incompetence." She pointed her index finger forward, using the sound being generated by the wind that was being controlled by her vectors to creating a concussive blast that shot the two back.

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