Chapter 115: Culling their Future's, but I'm Untouchable {Finale}

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Reinhard walked along the city of Paris, having just been in the finals to save Naruto's life from great peril.

Due to the suspicion of people infiltrating the final exams, Reinhard had been the first person to have been asked to save the day.

And save the day he did.

Having stopped all of time in the dimension that the exams were going on in, Reinhard was able to stop the death of Naruto before his body got absolutely pierced by the blood tendril.


"This will have to do until we find Sakura," Satsuki - the younger one - said aloud, wrapping Naruto's pierced forearm with a bandage that she took out from her dimensional ring.

Naruto grimaced. If it wasn't for his decrease in physicality, then he would've been able to completely disregard the damage that he took.

"How long do we have left until everything is done?" Fukushu asked. Since the barrier keeping everyone out had been destroyed due to the death of Vernon, the wraiths were able to begin their wrath once more.

"It's only been an hour," responded Ai. Fukushu almost had his face fallen into a downwards crescent shape at the news.

They still had 23 hours left.

Naruto looked at Suki.

"Find Sakura and the others. I need my arm healed as soon as possible." Suki nodded her head. She disappeared, going towards a direction that may not be her answer.

Naruto huffed, putting his back on a tree.

"Sorry, but I'm going to need you to stall for a few hours. At least until Suki finds them." The others nodded their heads.

It was then did they hear the bloody scythes that clung against one another. The wraiths of terror came forth, their black robe dangling a bit after their buttocks. 

Naruto watched as the others surrounded him, even Fukushu was inclined on doing the same. Recognizing the danger, he knew that the numbers mattered a lot.

"Analyzing... Complete..." They muttered their names aloud. And it didn't take long for them to seize their opportunity and attack them. The wraiths guided their great scythes that had metallic luster, the shine so brilliant and beautiful.

"How long? 2-3 hours?" Asked Yu.

Naruto nodded his head. Yu grinned his mind off, his teeth shining with crimson fury. He rose his hand in the air, two twin dragon heads appearing from the wooden trees.

"It just so happens that the forest is where I thrive best." The dragon heads swooped down, roaring in mighty frenzy. The others did not slack off; Ai had numerous bullets of terrorizing ice surround her being; Satsuki had lightning coursing through her veins; and Fukushu was ready to unleash a mighty flame.

Satsuki jumped forward, her dazzling blue hues changing into a creepy and dark crimson red. With a simple wave of her hand did a wave of lightning came forth, the electrifying ascent catching the mindless drones called wraiths.


Ai's hair wove, her silver locks flying as the bullets of ice all formed into one massive ball of ice and coldness. Sending it off, it was as though the ice had become a bomb. It exploded, the coldness washing over the battlefield.

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