Chapter 88: End of the Interlude {1}

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And so time passed, the death of Uchiha Shisui being knocked over as some unfortunate death. But, obviously, those who knew him personally, those that had an emotional and tragic attachment to the young man had been affected greatly.

It isn't easy seeing someone you care for pass away.

It's even harder when you have a close bond with them.

"Do you feel sad?" Naruto asked Satsuki this when the lamenting news of Shisui's passing had occurred across a lot of the news channels that were popular and greedy for the next big hit.

Satsuki stayed silent for a few moments before saying, "I am... he was a close friend to me and and an even closer friend to Itachi. But... after experiencing a lot of things and crossing the numerous universes... I don't find myself lamenting much."

Naruto nodded. "You've grown." Satsuki shook her head.

"You're one to talk--you haven't even hit puberty."

"I will soon enough. But, first things first, I need you to stop sitting on your ass all day; you only do things when I tell you to do things."

Satsuki furrowed her eyes, obviously displeased by what Naruto told her.

"I don't sit on my ass all day."

Naruto stared at her, shaking his head.

"You do. So, please be a useful member of my organization and find something to do and not sit on your ass." Satsuki clicked her tongue.

"Tch. I know, I know. I already had plans to not sit on my ass."

"And what exactly are those plans?"

"Why should I tell you?" Satsuki stuck her tongue out in spite before disappearing into some place elsewhere. 

Naruto rolled his eyes, before readying himself for his second term.


Beginning of April.

Naruto walked, the cherry blossoms blooming. The sakura petals danced in the ancient winds, creating a beautiful artwork that could only be seen by those with a great imagination.

Naruto repositioned his shirt, the uniform of his school snugly fitting his body with absolute perfection. With his eyes closed, Naruto felt some sakura petal touching his face; and not only that, but the breeze of the spring season felt calmer and looser.

For a moment, everything was just fine.

Getting off at his bus stop, Naruto walked along the rough concrete sidewalk, seeing many students passing by and entering the school.

Naruto was - to say - amused. People talked, grumbled, and generally had tons of genuine fun with others. Their eyes shone with life and luster, their lives alright.

"Yo! Naruto!" He heard a familiar voice from behind. Hearing this voice, Naruto instantly stopped, turned around and looked at the person that called out to him.

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