Chapter 98: The Final Year {2}

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Naruto sauntered forward in the broad daylight. Satsuki - disguised as an older Suki - was walking alongside him. Soon, she motioned herself away, the brilliant light casting down upon her beautiful figure.

Being left alone, Naruto was left to his impassive desires. As continued waltz forward, his dress shoes that fit the size of his feet feeling uncomfortable. He did not emit an optimistic, sanguine emotion; if anything, it was more calm and peaceful than ever.

As sun rays pressed down on his soft tan and a bit porcelain skin, Naruto suddenly felt a hand tap his shoulder. Shaken out of his momentary daze, Naruto turned his head back, looking back to the person that had just bravely and daringly tapped his shoulder.

The sight of soft porcelain hands clouded his vision, and his eyes trailed along the uniform that the person wore. For an ephemeral moment, Naruto could smell the arcane scent that was pleasant to the noise being emitted from their body.

Nails that were done to perfection, Naruto's eyes locked onto another pretty face. Softly, he smiled, his eyes turning into upwards slits.

"Nice to see you, as well." Naruto stopped his walk, seeing the beloved younger Satsuki staring at him. A thin smile appeared on her face, being less taciturn.

From above, with his towering height over the shorter girl, Naruto could see the slither of spark that lit to life behind her dark obsidian orbs for eyes.

Satsuki's thin smile soon turned into a frown. "You bailed on me yesterday, saying you had something important to attend." Naruto, chuckling, scratched the side of his face, his cheek to be more precise.

I did, did I? Naruto thought. Despite being the leader of this secret organization called the Court of Grace, Naruto had humiliatingly forgot that the plan to make their debut landed on the same day that he made plans to hang out with the younger Satsuki.

Now Naruto found himself at a crossroad at the beginning of the his final year.

"Sorry, didn't realize I had two things planned for that day. I, unfortunately, had to choose the choice that didn't let me hang out with you."

"Uh-huh... unfortunately..." Her lips puckered.

"I promise to make it up to you today." Satsuki nodded, happily accepting. Walking together, they chatted, attending the welcome ceremony, before heading to their respective classes.

Hearing a buzz in his right pocket, Naruto slid his hand down his pocket, holding the phone in his hand tightly so it wouldn't fall and break. Looking at the screen, Naruto could see a message in a secret group chat that COG had created.

[Yu: We're on the news. Hahaha.]

[Naruto: That's good.]

As he headed to his class, Naruto looked at any articles that mentioned of their yesterday night escapades. With a look of apathy, Naruto was still inwardly delighted at the fact that they had finally made their debut. After training for 9 long years, Naruto had felt that they were finally ready to complete the first part of their mission.

To kill Shikisha, they must cut down on his forces, and to do that, they must have the strength to carry out their wishes--their miracles.

Fallen Grace: A Naruto Fanfiction (Book 2, vol. 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ