Chapter 48: Imperfection {Finale}

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POV: Naruto

As I walked into the house, I was sure about something that plagued my mind in pure curiosity.

There was more to Chakra than the affinities transcending into higher fields and it branching out like a skill tree.

Considering Chakra in this world was different despite the fundamentals being the same. That would mean there was much more to the Chakra here than what meets the eye.

Perhaps there are things that people are still uncovering about this desirable resource that existed everywhere one went.

But I had no time to think about that currently. What I was pursuing was strength to narrow the gap between an injured Zabuza and a fully recovered me.

I paid no mind to anything but my intense resolve to become stronger. I wasted no time, transferring myself out of the confines of the walls and walked into the shade of deathly green grass.

Stopping, I summoned a clone.

"Continue where we left off from before." The clone nodded, performing various Martial Arts techniques. I analyzed it thoroughly, watching it with intricate detail.

I had noticed something and wanted to confirm it with my eyes once more.

My Martial Arts regressed. Perhaps I had been doing this all wrong since my supposed rebirth into this world. But I never felt as though deterred in quality.

Maybe my perception had been warped due to my body being a child now, but the fact remained that what I saw in my Martial Technique lacked a pale amount compared to before.

"Too rigid in movement." The clone was stiff when it came to performing the martial arts; even though it was significantly better than a lot of others.

The "perfection" would not fit it.

Trying to use my Martial Arts known as "Grace" would be foolish to do regularly now that I've seen the faults in my movement.

Not only were the movements stiffer than an erection, but my bodies range of motion had severely deterred.

I put myself into deep thought.

"Ah... I got it."

Considering my imperfect technique in Martial Arts, it'd take a little bit before I can reach my absolute peak of my Martial Ability.

That'd take many years since the heavy deterrent was my bodies lack of development.

"I figured it out."

Even though antimatter was arguably the strongest affinity within my disposal, I'd probably make only a little bit of progress within this week without these clones.

"I'll refine my movements beside you."

So, knocking that away, the two affinities I am most proficient at is Lightning and Ice. What I wanted to do was to overwhelm an injured shark.

"Just a little bit of sharpening is enough. As long as it is to the point where I won't pull a muscle or anything of sorts." The real strength will lie from the Lightning assisting me in make incredible speedy attacks.

I'll overwhelm him in insane speeds.

In unison, the clone and I practiced our movements, shooting our leg up, ushering it down, and directly punching the air without missing a single beat.

My victory was assured at all, but I'll keep striving for that ideal.

Even if just a tiny bit, I wanted my chances of winning to heighten and grow than it had been before.

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