Chapter 41: The BlackMarket Lead {3}

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POV: Naruto

To be able to understand others you must have an important ability within your arsenal that gives you the ability to such that.


That's why psychopathy is hard to detect within your everyday lives. These people, these hideous creatures, they are unable to be affected by the emotions that harbour their soul. 

Yet, they have such a high capacity of understanding it. 

That's why they are dangerous.

Hiding their true faces behind a facade of fake feelings, wearing a smile that only a clown could replicate.

Empathy was truly an amazing thing.

And that's what I was trying to do now-- I was trying to understand why Aoi was even lending me a hand with my current affair.

My information on her was shallow, and the bits that I had gotten were stuff that I managed to extract from the internet and deep-rooted research that I poured my time into.

I wouldn't say it aloud directly...

But this help that I was supposedly getting...

I didn't deserve it.

I wasn't the "real Naruto," yet these memories were nothing short of an ethereal burden. The people that I had hurt during that long, gross path.

Bending the rules of second chances...


Second chances aren't for everyone, and most certainly not for someone like me. The sins I carry will continue to haunt me until the day I die in this life.

Yet, the feeling of knowing someone was there for me, even when they don't know what I had done.

It felt... 

So comforting.

I needed to move quicker because the way things are now, I could not do what I wanted. I could not control the things that I wished to control.

And I wanted to explore the world, see everything that it had to offer. The books that I had once read, giving me a fictional outlook and image in my mind--

They were real now.

More than that: I was living in that reality.

"What time are you going do it at?" Aoi's words were stern, obviously very apprehensive of doing this and allowing me to continue my operations.

"10 P.M.," I said, replying honestly. Lying was out of the questions.

"Mhm. Alright."

We soon arrived at our house. Getting out of the car I felt the cold breeze hit my face. It was intense, but I shouldered it as I entered the house, feeling the warmth that crossed my body.

"Take a rest. You'll be needing it if we'll be doing vigilantism during the night." I nodded my head, understanding Aoi's words that had been a mutter.

Disobeying her was out of the question.

And I also needed a good quality nap. I had been getting a lot of lack of sleep during the past few days, so this was a good time to unravel myself.

Walking to my bedroom, I threw my handbag on the floor right beside my bed and plopped myself down, crashing asleep.

Fallen Grace: A Naruto Fanfiction (Book 2, vol. 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora