Chapter 114: Culling their Future's, but I'm Untouchable {6}

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Naruto was uncertain whether or not the idea to rile them up and make them go berserk would be workable in his favor--it was, in the end.

Of course, he doesn't expect for the shaved bastard to fall for a trick that he had already shown and revealed to them. Naruto spat out the blood that had been culminating inside of his mouth, and wiped the leftover residue that was left from the culminated blood.

The shaved one looked at Naruto and Suki, his eyes connecting with the two of them. Despite one of his partners dying there was not even a single sign of caring within those orbs of his. It was an indifference that few can muster.

"What a cheap and lowly man he was," he said. "but he was strong." Then, it was in that moment, did Naruto and Suki feel a tremendous lust for blood fall overhead.

"And despite the fact that he warned us of the power of antimatter, he lost all reason and was absorbed by the madness of the mark. He fell for a shitty trap made for retards." The shaved bastard approached them slowly, the whole forest shaking.

"The name's Vernon." Then, from out of nowhere, crimson orbs began to appear from the thinnest of air. With an illusive expression on his face, Vernon muttered his next words aloud.

"Blood Release: Blood Bullets!"

Yellowing them out, the murky-gray man shot forward along with his bloody bullets. Moving much faster than sound and was a bit over the speed of lightning, the blood bullets would have desecrated the Naruto that had stood a decade ago.

Naruto formed a large wall of ice, spreading it as the ice cold emanated from deep within the crevices of the ice block. Satsuki appeared and took Naruto, escaping a few meters away so they could mutter an exchange.

"The time-stop won't work efficiently anymore. Even the flicker strategy is no use since he is effortlessly keeping track of everything now." They split apart, flipping to dodge incoming blood bullets that pierced the air.

Naruto's teeth had turned into a grit, displeased with the fact that Vernon was going after him. His thoughts were disrupted once Vernon appeared behind him, sending a vicious bullet of blood to his left forearm.


He screamed within his mind, pain oozing as the blood bullet felt like a bullet that had been strengthened by a thousand folds, maybe even more.

Naruto huffed as Satsuki took him away. "Focus!" She hissed at him. "If you don't focus, then you'll die." He gave her a tired smile.

"That's why you'll save me, right? Let me be the damsel in distress for once." Naruto grimaced at the pain. Satsuki almost could not fight the urge to glare at him so intensely.

"I'll let you die."


Naruto backed away, no longer being able to use his left arm. Even if he were to be able to use it, the range of motion would be reduced to absolutely nothing. So, he now could only resort to his right hand, which was luckily his dominant arm.

It was then did blood crumbled the dirt ground before them, emitting from the deathly roots of the world. Naruto wove his right hand, swiping it to use the void to delete the forsaken bloody hell.

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