Chapter 118: Zurückspulen {3}

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"Please be aware that 2 days from now shall be the day that everything will be decided. Tournaments are special. And people will naturally want to see it." 

Reinhard slowly descended down in fashion. He stepped down from the invisible staircase, spiraling down as he had his hands behind his back, holding them tightly.

"You will be notified of your opponent the day of. This way you'll have a surprise and you'll have to figure out a plan on the fly and not beforehand."

An interesting choice being thrusted down upon them, but they did not have a choice but to accept the reality being served to them.

Naruto stayed silent the whole time like everyone else, but the feeling of recurrence was beginning to get stronger as Reinhard drew closer towards the ground.

"You may have the days until the tournament to yourselves."

He disappeared.

Naruto immediately looked around, catching the sight of familiar faces. Still, a recurring one was Gaara and it just so happens that the man was looking straight into Naruto's soul.

The young man's arm moved upwards and his index figure naturally pointed towards him.

"You..." He muttered loud enough for Naruto to hear.

"You are the same as me."


"FUCK YEAH! I PASSED!" Yu exclaimed. He almost fake squealed in delight. Naruto rolled his eyes at his exclaim. Everyone in the room has passed to the tournament round except for one person.

Satsuki looked at Suki smugly, leaning in.

"Guess I'm one step closer to him than you, huh?" She whispered, but she was met with a rowdy shove. Suki looked at Satsuki with a fake pout.

"Yet you don't have the balls to confess. Sad, is it not?" She whispered back. Satsuki fought back the urge to strangle the beautiful girl right in front of her.

Before anything could further evolve, Naruto decided to cut in.

"Well, I'm going to go out to eat. I'll let you all handle yourselves." Satsuki saw this as a magnificent opportunity and readily offered to go.

"I'll come too!" Satsuki smiled as she rushed after Naruto. For a couple of seconds there was a moment of silence.

It was then did Fukushu say: 

"Man, he has her whipped."

"HAHAHA!" Yu laughed full-heartedly.


With Naruto, he was conversing with the delightful girl that wanted to tag along with him for a good ol' meal. Well, it was more because of him than the food.

But that was fine.

He welcomed her company, and Naruto was very fond of Satsuki--no matter which universe she came from. In an outdoor restaurant, the two sat at opposite sides, the gentle winds blowing.

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