Chapter 37: Interlude {1}

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POV: Third Person

A man with a bandaged eyes walked in the darkness as his cane made a clack with each step that he took.


It reverberated through the dark corridor. He arrived in front of a door, and he reached out for it, clutching it tightly before turning the knob.

"Welcome," a voice said from behind the door. The man with the bandaged eye looked at a man with a olden face and an olden body, he sat still, exuding an aura of dominance.

"It is nice to see you again, Danzo." His eyes were closed, but he had sensed him much earlier than this current moment.

"Likewise," Danzo said, his eyes calm and cold. He sat down, placing the cane right next to him.

The older man opened his eyes.

"And what brings you to the Tokugawa Manor?" Even after this many years of living, the man in front of Danzo still kept his place at number 1.

Tokugawa Shikisha.

A man unrivaled in the skill of the sword. Fighting through many wars and taking down thousands of others in each of them.

"I have to discuss about your recent endeavors."

"And what is this endeavors that you speak of?"

"Momochi Zabuza. He has recently attacked our first year division one class. And, there were two students that talked about his reason for appearing."

"While they don't know who sent them, they did offer the details of what he said," Danzo said, looking at Shikisha carefully, in case of any attempt of attacking.

"And you are suspicious of me? You don't need to shy away from accusing my involvement... that, of course, I did not do." Danzo gave him a thin smile.

"You may not believe it, but someone who is very reliable had given me Momochi Zabuza's recent history of mercenary work."

"And, if you were look at it... you would see that you not only had him do mercenary work for you in the past, but you had given him a handsome amount of yen 4 days ago."

Danzo stared at him intensely.

"Oh, I truly wonder who hired him to do such an attack."

Whether Shikisha denied or not, the truth remained clear. Zabuza had no real motive to attack Naruto without a direct order.

He is a mercenary that attacked people indiscriminately because of the orders of others. Someone had to order him to attack Naruto, after all.

"Hm... I think there is an error in your way of thinking. What gives you the suspicion of me being the one to order the attack, when it could've been anyone that hired him? Even if I had hired him in the past, that might not be the case this time around."

But Danzo did not back down. His smile remained thin, almost deceiving.

"I think you may have forgotten something, Shikisha-san. The guardian of that boy is someone who had once served under you."

Fallen Grace: A Naruto Fanfiction (Book 2, vol. 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ