Chapter 110: Culling their Future's, but I'm Untouchable {2}

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Next Day, At Night...

"Gather up! Gather up! Gather up!" Yu made a loud ruckus during the middle of the night. This made everyone - no matter how heavy of a sleeper they were - wake up to his boisterous voice.

Fukushu grumbled, throwing a pillow at the young man. "Go to sleep! Fucker!" Yu merely laughed, banging a metal spatula on desk that was right beside a bed.

Everyone groaned in anger, with Satsuki - the older one - glaring intensely at the young man.

"What the hell do you want?! It's 2 in the morning!" She complained loudly. Deviously, Yu kept up his act of danger.

The room was darker than the color black, but people had grown accustomed looking into the pitch darkness of the room and were able to vividly see Yu's outline with it the darkness.

"As is said before: gather 'round people!" Shooting a bolt of fire, Yu lit a candle into the realm of the living, its heat permeating through the room for a moment before everything washed over in delight.

With lots of grumbling and cursing being muttered under their breath, they did as he said and sat on the floor, bringing their blankets and pillows that they had been sleeping with.

Yu took the candle, waltzed back over and sat down with a bright and fiery smile that only heightened with the little flame that burned the wax creating a magical effect along his face.

As they sat many questions rose into the air, filling the room with - both unwanted and wanted - speaking.

"Let's talk about the exams tomorrow; what excites and what doesn't excite you; your fears and troubles—everything!" People weren't exactly the happiest at Yu for wanting to talk about a topic such as this the night before they go on to do their final exams.

"I'll go first! I'm excited to meet people from all over the world! So many from each country and fighting them to the death! I'm afraid of losing to them as well!" Yu, despite having his fake personage, spoke his true feelings on the matter.

For the first time in his life has he finally ventured out into the world. He was excited to see all these new things, but he also didn't want to disappoint himself by losing to others. He was strong, but there were many prodigies and talented people out there in the world that he couldn't just act so proudly of himself.

He wasn't Naruto, so he naturally didn't do things that Naruto would normally do. Yu pointed towards Ai since she was right next to him to his right. She sighed with reluctance.

She began to talk about the things that she feared and what she was excited for. They all listened closely, but by the time it was the next person's turn, some people had already fell asleep. Soon, all that was left were Naruto and Yu.

"If we fail the exams, then we'll have to repeat this year, right?" Naruto asked Yu. The latter nodded his head before saying:

"Yeah. There are times where some people do so terrible that they get forbidden repeating a year due to inadequacy." Although that only really happened to people on very low divisions and did not happen on upper divisions.

The chance of it happening was far too slim of a chance to happen. The two talked a tiny bit before they agreed on going to sleep.

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