Chapter 100: The Final Year {4}

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Satsuki closed the door behind her, sighing as she took off her shoes and placed it at the front of the house.

Walking with her socks on, Satsuki suddenly found a presence lurking from the kitchen.

"You're here?" Satsuki asked aloud, walking into the kitchen to see Eri eating. She raised an eyebrow before nodding her head.

"Decided to drop by to see how you're doing." Satsuki puckered her lips at the old lady that was sat eating right in front of her.

Eri was perceptive, so she noticed right away what was wrong. "Something's troubling you." It was stated as something matter of fact, and Satsuki couldn't necessarily refute it.

"How do I know if Naruto likes me back?"

Eri looked at her, her eyes blinking for a moment. "Oh, boy, that kid has you smitten, huh? Always had a feeling there was some kind of tension between you two."

"That's not true."

"Satsuki, your nose is growing like Pinocchio." The young lady wiped her nose with her hand inadvertently.

"I'm being serious here."

"I know, I know. Honest, I don't really know. Hahaha. I've only been in one relationship only for the 40 something years I've been living."

Satsuki looked at her. "Are you a virgin?" She asked. The corner of Eri's eyes twitched in annoyance.


She's totally a virgin! Now, she's too old now, and she's too strong for anyone to handle. Satsuki didn't press for more information.

"Enough about me. Just ask him. Preferably, before this year ends. You may never know what might happen later on in life. A sneaky prey may come and take him away from you. But you do seem to prioritize your goal before anything else."

Satsuki stayed silent. She had always thought about what may come after killing Itachi.

Since her goal of killing Itachi won't last forever, she knew that what came after his death was just as important as the build up to killing her bygone brother.

She is still undecided, but she was sure that she wanted to continue being close to Naruto even after everything is over.

After all, Naruto did say that Uchihas like them should always stay close together. She hasn't forgotten his words just yet.

But, killing her brother came first. She doesn't want to stray away from her path just yet, and the hatred that coursed through her veins were still as bright as the day as her promise.

The flames will continue burn those who can not handle the flames of her might, and she was firm on getting stronger to realize her envisioned reality.


"Hahaha! Kakashi! It is nice to see you here!" Guy said, approaching the older Kakashi. The silver-haired masked man was looking to do a mission to get some quick money.

"What are you doing here?" He asked Kakashi.

"To get money—teaching doesn't pay the best." He was eager to get money since a new volume of the Icha-Icha series made by Jiraiya was being published soon.

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