Chapter 34: The Blessed Guillotine {3}

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POV: Naruto

Moments Ago...

I backed away, creating a wall of ice, distancing myself from the two. If I wanted this to work, then I'd need as much distance as possible.

Along with the ice wall that they destroyed, I summoned dozens of clones that distracted them. I looked at them as they widened their eyes.

"What the fuck. Are you just a mass of chakra? 'Cause how the fuck are you not winded?" Zabuza questioned as he cleaved each clone with ease.


That was good.

I kept them busy with a multitude of clones more, but I couldn't do this forever. I needed to initiate the plan that I had. 

Mask it.

I turned to the right, bursting forward with incredible speed. I only had one chance and one chance to make it all count. I couldn't kill them, but I had a way to get into a much desirable position.

Landing on a casing that had been untouched, I launched myself off of it. Creating clones behind me, they masked me, hiding me from them for a singular moment.

Unleashing a fireball from my mouth, it flew downward. As it sauntered, soaring through the air, I held my hand outwards.

A dark aura circulated my uninjured hand. It was only a moment, but I had shot it forward. I had stabilized it so it wouldn't explode once touching matter.

But after reaching a certain point, I let the end of the string of antimatter to unravel itself. The beat of my heart quickened.

Don't mess up. Don't mess up!

I couldn't do any wild movements with the antimatter or it'll all go haywire. So this was what i had to do.


Thankfully it had worked and I had been blown away in quick succession. Pain spread from all parts of my body as the heat made bits of my clothing into ragged pieces.

I landed on a wall, sliding off of it as I huffed. The strain on my body was there, but I could still keep fighting for hours, maybe even days on end.

I regained my balance as Zabuza and Haku came from the opening that I had made.

"You're quite the risky individual. Something like that could've killed you; and that would've took all my fun away!" Zabuza grinned under his mask, holding the Executioner's Blade on his back.

I mustered up the power to grin madly.

"Come at me! It doesn't matter who, I won't back down even if death takes me!" I spread my arms to the side, and my features softening just a tiny bit.

It didn't matter if I lost.

What mattered was how I lost.

"Come me in." I turned my head to the side, seeing Fukushu wearing a determined look on his face as he got out from the shadows.

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