Chapter 125: Zurückspulen {10}

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Orochimaru smiled back, licking his lips with an even longer tongue. Reinhard was not taken aback by the weird gesture, in fact, he didn't care what the odd snake was doing.

"It is too late--" Before he could continue, a loud ruckus rumbled within his mind, and his perception changed. His vision became two, now seeing afterimages of Reinhard that was standing still.

The déjà vu that he had gotten awhile go had came back to him, haunting him like an horrifying ex that wants revenge for breaking up with them.

He clenched his eyes, huffing at the excruciating pain from the odd déjà vu.

"--for me to stop you?"

"What is this? Why am I feeling this?!" Orochimaru yelled. The déjà vu soon ended, but there was a painful residue that had been left.

"That's odd... you shouldn't be feeling the déjà vu." Reinhard frowned, but he soon figured out why Orochimaru was feeling the déjà vu.

It's because Orochimaru was Orochimaru.

"How--? Do you know?" He asked Reinhard. Everyone stood motionless once Reinhard muttered the next few words aloud for them to hear.


"What if I told you: I've already lived through this event once already?"


Satsuki jumped away alongside Yu.

"Fuck! She's not answering!" Satsuki cursed out loud. Yu looked at her with a nasty glare, noticing the phone that she was holding.

"Why the hell do you have your phone out?! Do you not see this abomination that just keeps on damn healing like lizard?!" Yu had already cut down one of the arms of the flesh abomination, but saw that the abomination healed its arm the very next second.

"I'm trying to call my mother! Naruto's in danger and he wanted me to call her so she could come here and save the day!" She barked back viciously.

"And how the hell is she going to get here?!" 

Satsuki almost gave him a dumbfounded look at the dumb question that Yu had just asked her. 

"There's something called being a top 5 ranker in the world fuck-face! She can go anywhere in the world in hardly any time!" 

The only reason why Eri even used planes was because she found them fun and relaxing. What better way to stall for time and rest than to go on a plane?

Backing away one more time, Satsuki dialed the number of her beloved mother one more time. And, fortunately, this time, Eri was able to respond.

"Yawn... yo--are the matches done? I turned off the TV while it was happening and fell asleep because they were boring. Seriously, who in the right mind told them it was a right idea to let Naruto in that place? He's like a pro player smurfing in a low elo lobby. Oh, and I guess you did fine too."

Satsuki wanted to retort at the backhanded compliment that Eri had given her, but there was no time for such a thing.

"Quick! Get here right now! Orochimaru attacked Paris and Naruto's in danger! He needs help! And he specifically asked you to help him!" 

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