Chapter 17: Entrance Exams (1)

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5 Months Later...

POV: Naruto

"This is the place," Aoi told me as I followed her. She had managed to quicken the process and managed to get everything finalized within a five month period.

Wearing a dark-blue hoodie, I stayed silent under the October cold.

Although it was October, it wasn't all that cold out. Looking high above I saw a large building that stretched far and wide.

This was the place where I'd be able to sign up for the entrance exams for this prestigious school. I followed behind her as the door of glass slid open, the refreshing air hitting my nostrils.

The coldness covered me in the October chill.

As soon as we entered, I felt the eyes of many bore into my body as Aoi and I walked through the cold tiles of the building. Calmly, I strode alongside Aoi with my hands pushed into my pockets.

We soon arrived at the front counter.

"It's been awhile, Aoki-san," a man that was around his mid-forties said to her. "and who is this young boy?" He smiled at me, looking down at me due to the difference in height.

He wore a neatly made suit that perfectly suited his stature. I stayed silent, letting Aoi sway the conversation to her absolute bidding.

"Hehe... he's my adoptive little brother. Isn't he sooo pretty?" This lady love goading me with her teasing. It was annoying, but I've grown used to it due to how many times she has done it by now.

5 months...

It's already been that long. To be quite frank, I was rather wary of everything around me. Every moment I had to stay on constant surveillance of any imminent danger that could fly my way.

"My... isn't that a surprise. There were rumors of him being your child; and the internet went crazy over that for a short time." He laughed lightly. After a few more back and forth exchanges, we finally made it to the part of the conversation that I was anticipating.

"I would like this boy here to sign up for the late-year entrance exams that you are holding." Aoi patted my back, making me budge slightly.

"That won't be a problem. You just have to sign this." The man pulled out a piece of paper that we had to sign. I was rather surprised by how easy these entrance exams were able to be signed for.

But I did have a sneaking suspicion that the reason for this was because most of the people that are signing up for these entrance exams so late in the year are the ones who failed the entrance exams earlier in the year.

So of course, they had no belief in the people who are trying to succeed the second time when they had originally failed the first time.

"I see, I see." Aoi held the pen between her fingertips and signed the document at record speed. While she did that I eyed the area with an observant eye.

These people... They snuck glances every now and then, going back to their phones after snapping a few pictures of Aoi and I.

The internet will have a field day with that. I internally voiced my displeasure. But I did not show anything on the outside, not letting any one of them see a sign of displeasure on my face.

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