Chapter 60: A Normal Life {Finale}

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POV: Naruto

I had posted the response video on my Twatter. Even though I hadn't posted anything on it and made no type of trace that could make people believe it was me, it seemingly already had thousands of followers.

Wow, I'm famous in Japan. I thought. It didn't take long for my supposed followers to check the video out, thousands of comments and replies underneath the twatt.

Aoi appeared, sitting right next to me on the couch.

"You know, they'll go after you now that you declined them." I chuckled at her words, since it was words that contradicted what she had told me before.

"Well, it's too late to take back my words." She nodded her head, agreeing with my words.

"Indeed." But I could hear that she was relieved that I didn't waver and went through with declining the invitation. I inwardly sighed, rubbing the side of my head in a pain.

"They'll come after me," I spoke my thoughts. Aoi's features turned stern and her arms flew forward, wrapping all around me.

For a moment, I had been taken aback by the actions of my older sister; before I shook my head, a soft gaze transforming out of such thought.

"And I'll protect you. And not only you, but Nagare and Keika as well. As long as I am here, than I will protect you all with all I have." I nodded as she held me tighter, her warmth attacking me from all sides.

Since I had came here, I had only been able to rely on myself for strength and no one else. It's only now that I have someone that I could depend on. 

That thought most certainly helped me think rationally.

This is different. I thought as Aoi stopped wrapping her hands around my body, ruffling my head before going away. It seems she didn't need to go to work today.

This is much different than Zabuza and Haku. The size of the situation was like night and day! Zabuza and Haku compared to this was like an ant to a boulder. I clenched and unclenched my right hand.

Like before, I was uncertain about the future. The possibility of death and everything around me perishing were higher than ever.

Zabuza and Haku were manageable since the former had been injured and Aoi was there; things were different when comparing that and this.

Aoi was weaker than Tokugawa Shikisha. I was certain of that. There was a reason why he has been reigning over the title of the strongest swordsman in the entire world--

he was strong, unbelievably so compared to Aoi. And even more when compared to myself. As long as he poses as an obstacle, then I'll always be facing potential death.

I got to be stronger. I thought.

They'll strike sooner or later, and the way I was now--I was hopeless. There was no way I could fight any of those supposed underlings and win. 

If I was being blunt: I'd rather die again right now than face these obnoxious problems that keep on hounding me constantly. But I knew better than to think my problems would be over even after death.

Fallen Grace: A Naruto Fanfiction (Book 2, vol. 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ