Chapter 113: Culling their Future's, but I'm Untouchable {5}

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"Yu! Get everyone away from here!" Naruto yelled. The 3 individuals from before had risen the hairs that was on the back of his neck, a sense of danger becoming apparent.

Yu gnashed his teeth down, recognizing a feeling of despair washing over him. Naruto did not take his eyes off of the figures that managed to have dodged his oppressive void.

"Suki... stay here and be on guard." It was a clear order. Naruto wasn't pleased at all with the fact that Naruto had to get them to run away again so they can survive, but this was the only way.

Because, in front of them, were people that could kill them.

Yu then turned around, ushering to get themselves out of harm's way. "Get the fuck out of here! Orders are orders!" The thread, the beat of his heart was so strong and quick, that Yu was sure that it would explode upon a single touch.

Before they could argue, one of the figures disappeared, their steps silent to the ears of the young children. Their eyes widen, the wind rushing and soon following.

"These aren't--" Ai was cut off once a hand wrapped around her neck. Being held up in the air, the young boy that seemed to be the same age as them began to morph into something far older.

Soon, the boy turned into a man, his height becoming much taller than before and his face becoming much older than what it had been what it had been before.

Before he could crush the neck of the young girl, time stopped, and the older Satsuki - Suki - was now moving within the paused space of time. There had been nothing left with her wake, and within a split moment, her fist had clenched and crashed into the man's face.

Time resumed and the man was forced to let go of the young girl named Ai. Suki looked at Ai, gesturing for them to go.

"Go!" Taking initiative, Ai took the younger Satsuki and Yu took the Fukushu that was adamant on fighting.

Naruto did not know whether or not everything will go well, but Naruto found something odd.

"Where's all the wraiths?"

There, in a flash, was a calm smile that crossed one of the faces of the men. Their faces morphed into their real faces.

"Guess," one said. He then turned to the one that had been the first to attack the others. "Fetch them—Orochimaru's orders."

Tsk... Naruto figured that it had been Orochimaru, since he could sense something that had been oddly familiar to him.

Naruto felt Suki appear beside him.

"There's a barrier around the forest, and it's blocking everything; from the wraiths to the announcers."

Naruto nodded, figuring that would be the case.

"You sense it?" Naruto asked her. She nodded her head, feeling the malicious intent oozing from their opponent's bodies.

"A curse mark." There was no time to discuss since two of the figures came forth, the ground shaking a tiny bit.

Naruto could not react fast enough, a fist managing to crawl into his gut, the luxurious pain spreading all across his innards.

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