Chapter 89: End of the Interlude {2}

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Naruto glared lightly at his little subordinate - Yu - and quickly silenced the fake personage-using man that was seated right in front of him.

"...You can sit right next to Shikamaru since the seat there is empty." And to make matters worse, the older Satsuki was now closer to Naruto more than ever.

Not only was she living with the poor boy, but she was now going to the same school disguised as a child with the poor boy.

Once Satsuki was behind him, Naruto pulled her in, grabbing her by the shirt, and whispered.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you trying to make things hard on me on purpose?" He hissed. Satsuki merely giggled.

"My, even though you broke up with me, I guess I'm still as irresistible as ever. Hehe..." 

I'm 6! You're old! I'm young! Go have sex with Grace instead! Naruto thought, very unnerved by the many stares that he was receiving.

One last time, Satsuki whispered, "This is what you get for saying all I do is sit on my ass all day." Naruto's eye twitched.

"Out of spite? Are you serious? And Suki of all names? At least make it so you don't sound like an off-brand Satsuki." Thankfully, no one heard him say the last part, or else he'd be bombarded with so many questions.

"Off-brand? I'm literally her."

Naruto gave her a dead-panned look.

"You know what I'm trying to say."

"Yeah, yeah. What period lunch do you have?" 


Satsuki grinned.

"Great! I have 5th as well," she said. "let's have some fun later, okay? The stars are aligning, after all." Naruto let go, frowning and displeased by Satsuki's spitefulness.

I want Mercurius back... I'll get it back once the day is over. Naruto sighed.

"So... ex-girlfriend... she's cute," the younger Satsuki said. All this time, the corner of Naruto's eyes spasmed out of control.

"She's joking. We never dated before." Naruto did not know whether or not him saying this would count as a lie--he technically has dated Satsuki before.

And, if you want to take a step further, Naruto has technically explored ever inch, every corner of Satsuki's body. But, that's a story for another time.

No, those stories should be left behind.

Not because it was an embarrassing tale, but because Naruto would like to keep it to himself. 

"You're close with her, though. It was... Suki?" Naruto nodded lightly. 

"Yes... you can say her and I are close, but we aren't dating--we are both 6. Well, I'm 6. I think she's 7." 

Naruto did not know the age that Satsuki was going to take on, but between the acceptable ages of 6 and 7, Naruto was sure that she'd choose 7 just so she could say she was older than him.

"She kind of looks like me."

"She does, but she is definitely more insane."

Even before traveling across reality, Satsuki was quite the odd one.

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