Chapter 77: Miracle Creators {3}

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As Naruto walked along the smooth floors of the whimsical halls of Konoha, various thoughts crossed his mind, and he hummed a make-believe tune.

Naruto had almost refrained from using Mako as the perpetrator, and almost opted to transforming into a mice to alleviate the amount of damage he'd make, but this was an opportunity that he didn't want to pass up.

Naruto was killing two birds with one stone.

Not only would he be able to collect the blood of two specimens that were important for the future, but he was also using a person's appearance that would create tension.

It didn't matter if people outside of the affairs were ignorant on this woman's true identity, but those behind the scenes like Danzo and Hiruzen--they'd be able to tell that this lady aligned with Shikisha.

Because he knew better than to believe that those with great power haven't came in contact with Shikisha. That's just how this world works.

Power attracts power.

So, if Naruto were to create tension, then a rift would surely form, making Shikisha unable to move freely due to others being wary of what he might do.

Of course, it doesn't matter if they find out that the Mako here today is fake. 

This is because the higher-ups will still be wary of Shikisha and his minions even if they find out about the Mako being a fake one. This will especially apply to someone like Danzo.

The mental weight will be placed and the tension will continue to be there.

Well, whatever happens is up in the air, but Naruto's main objective is to collect the blood of two of his classmates. He had already prepared himself 2 small vials that he got from an empty chemistry classroom.

Now, the only thing he needed to do was get them to get out of the classroom. 

Good thing this was probably the easiest to do.

Standing in front of a fire alarm, Naruto outstretched his hand, pulling it down. It was then did every building in Konoha start ringing in anger.

This is because the fire alarms around the school was connected and would make the same obnoxious loud noise in every building within the premise.




It was then did Naruto burst forward, going into the girl's bathroom. It was clear to him that the bathrooms were hardly filled with people, so it was fine for him to hide and not blow his cover.

Then, the sounds of footsteps could be heard from every corner of the building. This causes Naruto to hide a bit further into the bathroom.

As the whispers, the yells, and the talking got louder, Naruto was ready.

He was ready to cause mayhem.

He didn't want to make it so where Yu and Ai get needlessly involved in this affair, so he was going to opt for just targeting everybody.

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