Chapter 10: A Card with Two Sides - The First Persona!

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"This contestant... he's rather skilled." He sat at the desk as a hologram showed the picture of Naruto in all of his glory. His eyes pierced the image with fierceness.

He looked at Kaga with a stern gaze.

"Your match is about to start. Once you beat him to a pulp I advise you to stay wary of this kid." He pointed towards the hologram that had Naruto plastered vibrantly.

"Of course. I'll do as you say." If things go as expected, then Naruto would be fighting Kaga in the semi-finals. But this was only in effect if Naruto did win these next few rounds.

The man grinned. "Good. I expect great things from the famed brothers." He turned off the hologram, following it up with a quiet sigh that escaped his lips.

He spun the chair around, a slight squeak being heard as the spinny chair faced the arena. His eyes shined down as Kaga left the office.

His eyeballs reflected against the one-way glass that stood against his way. Letting out one last sigh, the man murmured a few words to himself.

"Boss won't be happy if this tournament goes out of control."


POV: Naruto

I sat alone in my resting area. My butt was positioned on the wooden benches; feeling the rough edges press against my bottom. The air was cold, brushing against my youthful skin.

They are probably looking into my background... or perhaps observing me? I wondered with curiosity. If those two were to fight me as a tag team, I'd forsure lose without my Shadow Clones.

I had noticed a few things as I tried using affinities that I was already used to.

It was like I had never known how to use them. I recalled what I did to perform something like the Chidori, but only sparks of lightning came to be for a moment or two before ultimately diffusing completely.

It was as if this body didn't have the experience to do such a thing. But I had the memories, and the feeling to do it; it just didn't work.

That crosses out one of my theories. I had originally thought that this body was just a body that regressed in age, but it seems such a thought was not that case.

It was something with a deeper meaning.

But, with that thinking of mine, I was forced to sigh to myself as I felt the cool breeze once more. The air conditioner was rather great in this place.

But nevertheless, I stayed clear-minded and did not let anything deter me from what I wanted from this place. The money was much more important to me than the lives that stood in front of my way.

My eyes followed the invisible lines of fate, soon stopping at the screen that showed the fight between Kaga and his opponent. I analyzed how they fought, noticing their intricate movements that seemed to respond in complete harmony.



Two Martial Arts that stood across one another, opposing with all their might. But it seems the person who was using Systema was only used to using it with weapons and such.

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