Chapter 14: The Entry to Success (1)

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From her words, I stood bewildered by the sudden statement. This Aoki lady was now asking me to be her younger brother.

I couldn't help but be confused by her statement.

"I don't even know you," I said, responding to her words. She shrugged her shoulders, sitting on the railing as she swung her feet without a single care.

"Well, I guess that needs to be changed. The first step to form a relationship with another person is to first know their character." She was right, but that doesn't mean I'd so easily agree to be her damn brother.

"So... introduce yourself, Uzumaki Naruto." And it seems she already had information on me. Was it because of my doings in the Martial Arts Tournament?

Or has she been trying to find me a bit before that event happened?

But nevertheless, I knew that, while she was not that highly ranked in the global leaderboard in terms of overall strength and influence, her talent in the art of swordsmanship was no joke if she is able to maintain that 3rd place ranking.

It intrigued me.

"Hellooooo... earth to effeminate one." It was only when she started waving her hand from side to side that I was knocked off of my thoughts, bringing me back to the reality that I knew stood on for eternity.


"Uh... I'm Uzumaki Naruto. I like ramen and other things. I don't necessarily have much to dislike. I don't have a dream right now." I gave a vague introduction.

"What a shit introduction," she told me bluntly.

I wouldn't lie-- it was fucking shit. But I had no intention of revealing anything to someone I just met a moment or two ago. It'd be foolish of me to do something like that.

Aoki-san stretched her hand out towards me.

"Well, Uzumaki Maelstrom, shall you become my younger brother?" My eyes twitched at her blunt attitude. It was the first time someone used the other meaning of my name.

People just said fishcake-- that was annoying.

So, in a way, I was a bit touched. Because this lady used the meaning that my parents had intended during my birth.

But I wouldn't easily be swayed by her words.

"Why should I be your brother?"

"'Cause I'm cool. And I'd be able to brag to people that my brother is an effeminate boy that always wears a sour look on his face." My eyes continued to twitch.

Stop calling me that.

I was not effeminate at all.

"Bullshit. Tell me your real reason." Aoki-san stopped her grin with an abrupt manner, and a serious look replaced her grin.

"Is the reason not obvious?" Her words put me on edge-- she switched demeanors like night and day. It was a danger, but it was not the type of danger that'd make me act.

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