Chaptef 102: The Final Year {6}

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In the middle of the night, Shikisha walked down a long-drawn path towards an unknown location deep within the forbidden grounds of the castle innards.

Flames that lit the torches attached to the walls of the underground path made the journey downwards less eerie, and much less scarier than what it would've been if it had been just pure darkness that clouded the vision of a human.

It has been quite some time since I've been last here. In his head, Shikisha looked deep into his past memories, soon finding the fragment of memories that correlated to his last journey down such a domineering passage.

6 years ago.

It has been that long since he had last visited such a monumental area that resided deep within the palace. The place has always been near the top of his mind, and he always had full intention of going back to this place every couple of years when necessary.

And today was such a day like that. After 6 long years - over half a decade - Shikisha returns to the dark passageway that he has kept locked away very deep into the ground, so none could ever dare to enter such a danger; one that was positioned right under his throne that he sat on when needed and necessary.

Slowly, Shikisha stood in front of a stone door that was at the end of the passageway that was directed downwards. On it, were various carvings of great swords that clashed with one another.

He outstretched his arms out in front of him, his hands clasping firmly on the cold metal handle that was attached to the stone door of possibilities. Taking one inhale, and one exhale, the great old swordmaster opened the door of endless possibilities.


The same sensation... Shikisha's thoughts roamed, great power exuding from deep within the caverns of darkness.


In fact, there was a certain light that was positioned to the rear-end of the dark roomed cavern. And, as Shikisha remembered deep into his memories, the light that shimmered, and the power that had long since kept caged into this locked room--it was magnificent.

Despite the great oppressing power that shimmered in various dynamic colors, Shikisha only felt a sense of brilliant awe, a brilliant warmth if you could be more specific.

Taking another step, the oppressing power became more unpleasant, but Shikisha noted that the power that had once brought him near certain death, had lessen to such an overwhelming degree that he could withstand such pressure.

He got closer to the light that was at the rear-end of the room; and soon, the light became clearer and less vibrant due to him getting closer and closer, each step taking much longer than the last.

It did not take much longer for a materialistic item appearing from Shikisha's line of sight. An object, an item, or perhaps something akin to divine intervention--it was right in front of the swordmaster.

Taking form of a shard as large as an adult's palm, Shikisha whispered mystical words.

"You're almost... ready. It won't take much longer... for me to be able to absorb even a slither of your strength, oh, great one."

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