Chapter 78: Miracle Creators {4}

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Sitting at his usual spot that was away from Konoha, Naruto yawned as he watched many students run from the center estate.

Showing fake ignorance, Naruto wondered aloud.

"What happened..." Of course, Naruto already knew what happened, since he was the cause of this fruitful incident. Closing his eyes, he remembered what Kakashi had said.

"You started to scram because you sensed us, yes? Your sensory abilities are commendable. Nobu surely is a capable group of people. But where's your sword?"

They seemed to have been able to recognize the fact the person that he was impersonating was a part of Nobu. This shows that they've must've interacted with each other before in some shape or form.

Although the fact that he could not conjure a sword made this not entirely foolproof.

How can I make it so I have a mask when taking on the appearance, but not a sword? After thinking for a few moments, Naruto figured that he should've used a clone and transformed it into the sword that Mako wielded to make the illusion even stronger.

Sigh... you should've thought of that beforehand. Naruto mused. Even though this thought would've made the illusion of his seem more real, it didn't really matter to him since the main objective had been completed.

Everything else that came after the main objective was merely a bonus.

Mercurius... maybe you'll be able to do even more than what you have right now as I progress in strength. Maybe at some point I'll be able to superficially replicate the weapons of others. That would be very ideal for Naruto if that happens.

But if that is the case, then Naruto must get stronger.

Naruto moved to get up, but then saw that someone was sitting right next to him.

"When did you get here?" He asked Satsuki. She raised her eyebrows, furrowing them. Satsuki turned to look at where Naruto had been sitting before, before looking back at him.

"I've been here for about 30 seconds--you were deep into your mind that I didn't want to disrupt it." She told him. Naruto puckered his lips before nodding his head, going to the vending machine.

Many people walked past, clearly scared of the mayhem that Naruto had previously created as the Nobu assailant: Mako.

Naruto looked at the calm Satsuki.

"What happened back at the building? All I know was that the fire alarm got pulled down." Naruto wanted to know how easy word got to spread when in a time like this. That, and the fact that Naruto wanted to blend into the crowd.

"There was a person that attacked other students. They were a masked adult." Naruto nodded. It seems the students that managed to get away told the scary tale that they witnessed.

"Are you scared? You don't seem to be." Naruto asked the girl that sat right beside him. Satsuki took a moment's pause, nodding shortly afterwards.

"Yes, but not as scared as the people who got hurt. And you? You don't seem to be scared--are you scared?" Satsuki asked right back at Naruto.

She's starting to warm up to me... although slowly... but it does seem much quicker than the Satsuki from the previous world. Naruto's face was unmoving in expression.

He smiled silently.

"There is no reason to be afraid when my ambition is greater than this situation."

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