Chapter 96: End of the Interlude {Finale}

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As Naruto walked away, he began thinking on whether or not telling Satsuki was the right choice or not. With his bandaged body, Naruto met up with his Shadow Clone that was disguised as Aoi. 

The two walked together, going outside out of the hospital. Further on, they walked even further the clone soon disappearing into the enviable abyss. Naruto stayed silent, but he eventually emitted a sigh from his delicate lips.

Was it the right choice? Naruto - realistically - had many choices when in that moment. Many of them were on the top of his list, but the two that were most prominent was making an excuse, or sharing the fact that he was an Uchiha.

And he eventually chose the latter, opting to tell Satsuki straight-up that he was an Uchiha. He made it a decision, and that decision had unclear outcomes.

Choosing the latter may have its downsides, but the pros of the decision - if done - would have tremendous benefits. 

It is common knowledge that people draw closer to people that are akin to themselves. Those akin to them will have the same interests, and all in all, people are comfortable when they are surrounded by like-minded people.

It is easier to agree with them than to not disagree with people similar to your own, because they will probably be think of the same thing as you are when it comes to making decisions, etc. 

When people aren't like-minded to one another, people may not like them as much since they aren't similar to them, think how they think, and view things the way they themselves view things.

Of course, that's not to say that people who aren't alike can't come to be fond of each other. But, the way that Naruto views it, Satsuki would have no clansmen since they are all dead because of her older brother, Itachi.

This disconnect of her background will undoubtedly be something that hinders her ability to connect with others; but Naruto, too, is an Uchiha.

Seeing as she isn't alone, and now has someone who is on the same boat as her, Naruto and Satsuki, are now, in a sense, "like-mind people."

Creating that closer connection would benefit Naruto in the long run. 

But, this way of handling things, it is far too engraved with such manipulative and evil intent that it may make someone question whether or not Naruto was only saying that he wants to help nurture Satsuki into someone who can kill Itachi for the name of it.

He, of course, wants to help Satsuki.

It's just that... this was his way of helping. In the most twisted way possible, this was Naruto's version and ideal way of "helping" the younger Satsuki grow stronger. As long she holds that bitter sense of hatred, she will always strive to grow stronger.

So she can realize and make a reality to where Itachi is dead.


Beyond the scope of Tokyo, was Itachi. He walked around the outskirts of a small town, his clothes worn out and hus blade emitting and awful stench due to it bathing in too much blood for too long of time.

A swirly portal appeared before him, a masked man appearing.

"Follow me. The entrance is over here." Itachi was silent, but he nodded his head and he silently and obediently followed the masked individual that emitted an ancient aura.

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