Chapter 99: The Final Year {3}

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Having not been able to think of anything, Satsuki resorted to taking them out to eat barbecue. They walked and soon arrived at the place in question.

Yakiniku...? Oh no. Having already known a place with the exactly the same name in his previous life, Naruto knew the impending doom that was going to be soon thrusted upon him and Satsuki.

"The place has only been opened recently, so you may have no heard about it due to it being so recent." Naruto looked at Satsuki, nodding his head.

"I haven't. The smell is great." Naruto looked at the infrastructure, seeing the cozy style. Naruto could see the delicate care that had been placed into making the structure.

Satsuki knew of this spot because Eri had taken her to it when she had came back from her second most recent trip. The food - the barbecue - was nothing short but a spectacular flavor to the palette of a human being.

Going in, they went to the nearest booth and awaited the plates of meat that they would be able to cook themselves and eat.

Sitting across from one another, they soon got their food and they feasted on the beef that they had been served by the waiters.

It didn't take long for Satsuki to strike a conversation.

"What are your plans?" She asked him. Naruto raised an eyebrow, not knowing whether or not he should act like a confused idiot or an all-knowing god.

"What do you mean? My plans for what?"

"It's our final year. Do you have any plans after this year? You know... like settling down with someone?"

Real subtle, Satsuki... so, so subtle. Naruto noticed the very outright words that came forth from her question. If he wasn't so good at controlling his expression, then his eyes may have widened out of surprise.

"To realize my dreams. When I can fully realize it all, then I'll consider settling down and have a family. Until then, I will not stray away from my given path." As Naruto closed his eyes when drinking an icy cold glass of water, Naruto could briefly see the frown that was on Satsuki's face.

Settling down... I don't know. Despite everything, Naruto had not given the thought of settling down and creating a family the necessary thought that it deserved.

Naruto didn't know.

A family was something that needed to be thought delicately. In his past life, he didn't give it a single time of day because he knew how he'd turn out in the end.

Sacrificing himself for his goal.

He knew he'd never get the chance to build a family with Satsuki, so he never put much thought into it and placed it into the furthest part of his mind and never thought of it again.

Perhaps he was uncertain.

Uncertain whether he'd be fit to raise a child. He knew for sure that raising a child that was similar to himself would be quite the handful and could potentially turn out just like their father.

A shitty bastard.

Right now, Naruto wasn't sure. He had no plans to sacrifice himself for the sake of his goal, nor does he have any intention of sacrificing himself for others.

But, again, he wasn't sure.

"What about you?" Naruto asked back, opening his eyes back open. The frown that had been on her face - her lips - had disappeared and a neutral look replaced it.

The eagerness that he had seen before had been replaced with an eerie darkness, a flicker of hatred burning behind her eyes.

"I want to kill Itachi first. After this year is over, I'm going to search for his whereabouts. Once I kill him, I'll... I'll..." Her cheeks turned a flustered red, her face becoming warm.

Fallen Grace: A Naruto Fanfiction (Book 2, vol. 1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя