Chapter 69: Higanbana {3}

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POV: Naruto

I jumped upwards, scaling the side of a wall that was positioned inside the narrow corridor of an alleyway. With Nagare and Keika in my hands tightly, I continued to push forward.

"Relax. Breathe." Two simple orders. I could feel their hearts thumping for loudly that it may actually explode. If they were to panic and fear for their lives, then I'll be forced to be in a mucher deeper trouble than before.

The guy and lady from before had disappeared from my vision; they were most likely lurking within the shadows, awaiting for their time to strike.

Yet, I couldn't concern myself with them. What I needed now was to run away and disappear from this disaster. If I continue to linger, then I'd not only be jeopardizing Nagare and Keika, but I'd also be jeopardizing my own safety as well.

I couldn't let such a tragedy happen.

I was a person who couldn't keep promises, but in an instance like this, I wished, more than ever, to fulfill this wish for Aoi. To ease her burdens so she wouldn't need to needlessly worry.

I could've ended them if I had more strength, more power. I mused deeply, running across the roofs of the houses that surrounded this rather secluded neighborhood.

Everybody had died except for us, and those heads from before that had flown towards me and the company was proof of their malice.


In an asunder, I could hear the crackles of rigid lightning. I took a look back while running across the tiles, seeing the lightning in the color of ruby red striking the roof of our former house. In an odd fashion, the lightning formed a man in a striking robe that was in jade color.

His hair was gray and black, signaling his old age. Even though I was far away, I could see his sheathed blade that was attached to his side, to his waist.

I stopped looking back, my feet keeping its constant pace. I needed to get to real civilization and blend into the crowd. If I can use these regular citizens to my advantage, then the problems would die down into the abyss.

But, not everything was possible currently.

"Hey, stop running, will ya?" Suddenly, in a striking blur, did the man from before appear before me. Again, just like last time, a punch landed on my face, a disgusting amount of blood rushing out of my mouth, sending me away from the top of the lifeless house.

My teeth was turned into a grit, and I tightly bind it down to the core of the nasty earth. I fell off of the house and had descended downwards, but I managed to stick my landing.

I let go of my little siblings.

Two figures appeared just a few dozen meters away from me. If they wanted to, they could've simply crossed the distance in a mere instant.

"Nagare, Keika... run. I'll hold them off and catch up to you two later. Just run as far as you can... I'll be with you soon." If you had asked me in my past life if I was willing to sacrifice myself for anyone besides Satsuki--

I would've said no.

And if you ask me now...

I would still say no.

I wasn't going to fight these two because I wanted to do a noble thing and sacrifice myself for the good of others. I had no intentions of dying a second time.

I have full intention of living.

And it doesn't matter what I have to experience to continue living, but even if my bones shatter and my eyes bulge from their sockets, I'll keep moving forward.

Fallen Grace: A Naruto Fanfiction (Book 2, vol. 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon