Chapter 21: Cosmicism (1)

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In the ice cold he walks alone, leaving trails of crimson ice for the goddess of life--


POV: Naruto

I sauntered, moving across the glass dome with quick efficiency. Ice traveled all around me, sprouting from various angles.

I swiped my arm, moving it in a wide-arch, and ice followed, annihilating everything that stood before me in a quick death.

The simulated animals fought with effort, but they fell without reason, living a short life for a short time. Condensation escaped my lips, and I felt the cold air travel across the surface of my skin.

As I killed these fake animals, I grew a certain curiosity about my current standing.

[1. Uzumaki Naruto: 21030]

I maintained a good lead. Due to my efficiency, the current gap between second place and I was more than 4 thousand points.

While nothing to sneeze at, that lead could be gapped down quickly if second place. Speaking of second place, the one who held it was Kizuna Fukushu.

I held a certain wonder--

How much does he hate [us]?

And if so, how far is he willing to take it to achieve his revenge against [us]? I truly wondered because whether he wishes so will be an obstacle in the future.

I lingered on this thought for a little while longer before seeing the fact that Fukushu was quickly narrowing the gap.

I'll have to hunt those people down. I knew that killing these animals, while efficient, was not enough to satisfy this hunger.

I needed to take down more.

I need to take down these humans that held limitless value.


POV: Examiners

They stood in a dark room filled with various monitor that held camera footage of battles that occurred. This place was on the outside of the glass dome, but close enough that it was practically a part of it.

"The medics have gathered the fallen," the main examiner said, wearing a thin smile that was one with nervousness.

"These kids are ruthless. They need to be taught to be nicer," a woman said, yawning as he placed her legs on top of an open space.

They eyed the monitors closely.

"Look. Those two are good." Another examiner pointed towards a screen that showed two boys fighting in an icy area. One had a katana that had a fiery rage entrancing it.

Another had a blade of lightning that oozed an icy glare. They clashed, fighting as they took down many things under them.

"Ooooo... interesting kids! They are good for their age! Extremely good!" Another one chirped, a happy expression on her face as she twirled like a dancer.

Those two seemed to be very used to combating other people in real-life situations. They fought, clashing their blades in an eternal dance.

And their eyes burned with differing passions that they could not infer. But whatever their passion was, it was something that pushed them forward.

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