Chapter 13: Beginning of a New Tale (3)

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POV: Lady

The very point of the katana touched his adam's apple; making it so where even the slightest movement would injure the cartilage that wraps around one's voice box.

"Yield, you princess."

My voice was cold to the touch, even more than the ice that covered our vicinity. His face gained a sudden sense of danger as he felt the tingle on his neck.

Trying to move his head back to avoid the sensation, I quickly pinned such attempts down by following suit with my blade.

"Any resistance is futile. If you get up, I'll bring you down and cut your legs. If you crawl, then I'll cut your arms. And if you struggle, I'll strike your heart."

That quickly shut him down as the boy carefully spoke. Even swallowing would create a hassle on his apple.

"How'd you find me." His voice came out as though it was an order instead of one filled with despair. From the footage of the fights he had, such words matched his way of fighting.

A graceful violence.

"So you show your true colors. I had grown tired of those jokes you poured from your mouth earlier ago." His face was calm, and those faces of urgency when I had beaten him to a pulp was but fake.

Even though he must be feeling the pain and dislikes it, he simply endures with his perfect poker face. But that statement of his was quite forceful.

"Let me turn your question and change it just a bit. What reason do you need to believe that we couldn't find you?" I asked him. He shut his mouth, his face still.

He refused to answer.

"Of course, there's none. Our eyes are everywhere. And our eyes will continue to glow until the very end of this era." A roll of sweat shot down as he didn't once gulp.

"Would you like anything to say before your death?" I asked. Of course, I wasn't going to actually kill him, since it wasn't in my mission to kill him.

Merely observe and assess his abilities.

That's what I had been ordered.

His mouth suddenly opened, muttering a few words to me.

"The next time I see you, I'll tear your head off your body." He then disappeared into a puff of smoke. My eyes widened.

The person that I had been talking to was merely a Shadow Clone.

When did he manage to switch out? From the very beginning? No, the clone would've been destroyed if that was true. I wondered profusely.

My eyes were on him the whole time, and the only it wasn't on him was when I had kicked him back down to the ground and let the debris and dust cover him-- ah.

That's where I made a misstep.

How careless of me.

But I wasn't worried much, because my job here was done. As my long brown hair swayed behind me, I went towards the front of the destroyed building.

I should be getting a vacation after this.


POV: Naruto

I gasped as I ran in the shadows of Otsu. My teeth turned into a tight grit as my feet crushed the ground under the soles of my feet.

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