Chapter 24: The Past Watches From Afar (1)

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POV: Naruto

When I first came to this world, I questioned if I could handle seeing the old faces of those who had existed in my original world.

Frankly speaking, I put myself at a high pedestal when it comes to letting my emotions overcome me; but there are times where I questioned myself.

Times like these.

I felt many stares bore into my body. And I refused to let my composure be shaken up by people who I had hurt in my past life/other world.

With plastered smile, I had introduced myself with smoothness.

"Hello, I'm Uzumaki Naruto," I said with pleasurably intent. I bore ill feeling, only a calm wave of fluctuating calmness.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Once again, I could hear the whispers echo inside my brain; but that didn't matter. All I wanted to do right now is to simply live out my days here in peace.

That is, until the time comes where this school no longer cuts it. The world was far more expanding than the world that he had originally inhabited.

And, there may even be something more than terrifying outside of this supercontinent. "These three will be joining us on our escapades throughout the 9 years we will be having together. Please be warm to them." It was then Iruka had moved on to a different topic.

"Since these 3 are new and are partaking with us this late in the year, I'd like for two people to give them a tour. Of course, no fooling around, and I'll give word to your other teachers why you did not attend any of your classes today."

Like lightning, hands rose.

"OOOOOO! PICK ME! ME! ME! LET ME! I WANNA SKIP CLASS!" Yu had voiced his thoughts freely, not caring the fact that his sleeve was full of his thoughts.

Of course, if this was the same kind of Yu that I had known in my past life, then this guy was a pawn to Orochimaru.

Well, former pawn at least.

He always had became a pawn to someone stronger than himself eventually, and each time he did, Yu eventually managed to free himself.

An admirable trait I suppose.

To be able to escape the whims of the strong is something that not many are able to do.

Iruka sighed.

He scanned the classroom for any other people who would not be seen as problematic; he plastered a smile and picked the first person.

"Ah, Uchiha Satsuki-- I do believe you are capable of showing people around without much bias. Please, be one of the people who will assist in guiding these 3." My eyebrows cocked up and I saw the lone raven from earlier bat her eyes down to us.

She showed us indifference, and her look showed us that she held no care for our wellbeing. That, or she thinks this was a hassle for her.

"Will do, Iruka-sensei." But, nevertheless, she could not turn down the request of a teacher that  she - may or may not - respect. As she got up from her seat, there only remained one question left.

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