Volume 7 Chapter 7 - Relictombs

Start from the beginning

I clenched my teeth, enduring the searing pain as the regenerative capabilities of my new draconic body sprang into action, diligently reconstructing the ravaged tissue and swiftly healing my wounds. The surge of relief washed over me as the pain gradually subsided, replaced by a renewed sense of vitality.

"Arthur!" Seris called out, her voice laced with genuine concern, hastening towards me with swift, graceful strides. Her slender form was adorned with cascading strands of crystalline hair, reminiscent of delicate ivory threads that fell gracefully past her shoulders. Her complexion, pale as ivory itself, formed a striking contrast against her dark, enigmatic eyes. Despite her mature aura, her youthful countenance and petite stature belied her true age.

"I am fine, Seris," I reassured her, a faint smile playing on my lips. Though her worry was unwarranted, I appreciated her genuine concern.

Her delicate features softened, betraying a hint of guilt. "I'm sorry," she murmured, her voice tinged with remorse. "I thought I would be of more assistance, but instead, I find myself constantly in your way."

I regarded her with earnest eyes, my voice filled with sincerity. "Seris," I began, emphasizing each word, "Your presence alone is invaluable. Even in the depths of Relictombs, where your unique talents may not find immediate utility, your companionship provides solace. Besides, enduring Regis's company alone for extended periods of time would surely drive anyone to the brink of madness."

A gentle chuckle escaped her lips, a melody of mirth amid the lingering tension. "You have always possessed a sharp wit, Arthur," she remarked, her amusement evident. "And for that, I am grateful."

Extending her delicate hand towards me, she offered her assistance. I gratefully accepted her gesture, intertwining my fingers with hers, and with her aid, I effortlessly rose to my feet. Despite her petite frame, her grip was surprisingly firm, testament to the strength that lay within her.

A Scythe through and through, Seris possessed a unique prowess that flourished within the treacherous confines of the Relictombs. Her growth had been remarkable, and she had truly come into her own.

As I reflected upon my own progress, I couldn't help but recall the unorthodox training methods I had employed, including plunging into scorching lava. Though Regis may have dismissed them as foolhardy and masochist, they had yielded remarkable results, allowing me to harness the full power of the integration stage even within my draconic form.

Regardless of Regis's comments, I owed my achievements to these unconventional methods, and I remained steadfast in my determination to forge my own path.

I had succeeded in suppressing the insidious influence of Grey within my own being. Sylvie's selfless sacrifice had paved the way for my liberation, allowing me to regain control over my own actions and thoughts. This newfound clarity filled me with an overwhelming sense of contentment. While it was undeniable that Grey had played a significant role in my growth and increased power, I had come to understand that his path would lead me down a solitary road devoid of true happiness.

True happiness, I realized, resided within the vibrant tapestry of emotions that painted one's existence. Even in the darkest recesses of the Relictombs, where the Djinns had crafted traps with minds teetering on the edge of madness, I was resolved to embrace and experience these emotions fully.

Nevertheless, I acknowledged the necessity of balance. Unrestrained indulgence in one's emotions would be reckless in a world fraught with peril. There were moments when emotions needed to be reined in, their intensity subdued. I had gleaned valuable lessons from observing Grey's emotionless and icy demeanor, skillfully incorporating elements of his stoicism into my own personality when the situation called for it.

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