CHAPTER 5: The Lion VS. The Gazelle

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Someone should just run me over with a truck or shoot me in the head with a pistol or even make me disappear in thin air. I didn't wish for anything of this, but I knew and I expected this to happen. I just didn't want it to happen now with a lot of eyes gazing over us. I know Jessie was the one who took that clip, and I'm not sure if posting it was his way of thanking my courageous actions or he was just trying to humiliate Ambrose. Either way, the clip clearly made Ambrose look impotent. I'm not trying to be the big person in the picture, but I also thought it made me look like his kryptonite.

Ambrose is definitely pissed at me.

Does this confrontation have to happen now? As in right now? Right in front of everybody.

There are a lot of people watching, and this isn't going to end up very well for me. I look behind and everyone's looking at us like they're watching a thrilling action film by Quinton Tarantino. They're all caught in this mad silence and I can see it in their eyes that they are eager to see what's about to go down next.

"Hey," I huffed starting to breathe heavily. My knees are beginning to grow weak but I'm trying my hardest to keep my cool.

"Don't you fuckin' say hey to me!!!" Ambrose was glaring at me with such boiling anger that it seems to petrify me on the spot. He was quick at raising his right hand and eventually landing a punch on my cheek.

I felt the pain as I swiftly lost my balance and fell on the floor. I heard some of the ladies gasp in utter shock while most of the guys began cheering in eagerness.

"What the..."

"So you think you can beat me huh?!" Ambrose asked staring down at me. I thought he was about to dive and beat the shit out of me but he stood still. "Come on stand up and fight like a man." He urged. I took a quick moment to look into the windows of his soul and I immediately felt his bottled-up wrath.

I swallowed nervously and picked myself up. "I'm really sorry man!" I spat.

He grinned at me and I almost thought he was about to walk away when he turned around. Maybe he's satisfied with that single blow, however, it turned out that he was just gathering some strength. He was fast enough to turn around and dispatch a surging uppercut towards me. I was more than surprised by the sudden change of course, despite of that, my eyes saw where that uppercut will be coming from and dodged it at the last crucial second.

"August! August!"

"Go, August! Beat the shit out of that mother******!"

Everyone continued cheering like this is some sort of world boxing organization bullshit. Hearing all the hyped reactions from the crowd made me think if I should fight back and see who's going to end up winning. Some started shouting my name and are probably rooting for me which is nice to hear but most of them are explicitly adding fuel to Ambrose's already burning wrath.

"Fu*k that loser up, dude!"

"Come on man, don't be a pussy!"

I guess the pressure is getting real that it began taking over Ambrose. He readied himself by going into a boxing stance, both of his fists were raised to his chest preparing to deal damage. My eyes focused on his hands and as soon as he moved to dispatch a left hook, I caught it with my arm.

"F**k," I cussed inside my head. I'm glad that I caught his left hook but I definitely felt the pain from his knuckles.

I was about to prepare to punch him when I thought I heard someone whisper inside my head convincing me to not fight back. I had a moment of hesitation and it only gave Ambrose a chance to deal a hefty blow onto my stomach. He didn't even give me a chance to adjust from the pain that struck my abdomen. Ambrose had already pinned me against the wall. I tried to struggle from his control but his right elbow was choking me in the neck. Ambrose's face was just a few inches away from mine and I was just right about the wrath residing inside his eyes. I had a closer look and it appeared like a storm. A powerful, self-destructive storm.

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