CHAPTER 10.1: The Aftermath

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I was covered in sticky mud, and my uniform started to feel even tighter and tighter as I tried to find my way out of the forest. I was running a bit scared that I might end up getting lost in the middle of this foreign forest. My mind is already lost in this cyclone of confusion, and I guess that's one of the reasons why I'm going in panic mode. Ambrose went the other way. I'm pretty certain that he knows where he's heading to but what about me? I am new here.

The sky continued coughing rumbles, and the rain didn't seem to show any signs of stopping. I took off my suit and used it to cover my head from the rain. Thankfully this isn't a very dense forest that I can clearly see where I am heading to. I instantly recognized this one giant boulder that we passed by earlier, which meant I was taking the right path. I followed the trail, and after walking for about twenty minutes, I finally found the main road. I continued my journey and went back to school to get my bicycle. By the time I got my bicycle, I was ready to pedal my way home.

The rain finally stopped by the time I got home and the sun, with very little time left, showed up to bless the skies with its spectacular rays. It was breathtaking to see the sunset right after the heavy rain. The cotton-like clouds floating in the sky appeared to be painted bright and burning pinkish hue. I thought of watching this natural phenomenon for a moment just to take time and breathe. I just went through a rough day, and this is the beautiful panorama that I deserve to see. The scenery faded to dusk after a few minutes, and its finally time for me to enter the house. I dragged my bicycle inside the garage and stayed there for about five minutes. I took a moment to think of possible lies to tell Wednesday if she sees me super wet and covered in mud.

"Oh, dear!" Wednesday gasped the moment I opened the door. "What happened to you, August?" She was doing something in the kitchen.

"Nothing. I just crashed my bicycle." That's the first thing that came out of my mouth, and I guess I'm going to run with that.

"What? Did you have any bruises?" Wednesday asked. She was already removing her apron.

"I'm fine."

"No, that's not fine. Let me get the first aid kit."

"I'm fine, mom. Thanks, but I don't have any bruises." I spat and quickly ushered myself upstairs just so Wednesday couldn't bug me with her motherly concerns.

I locked the door with my chest pumping out of the rush of adrenaline. I sat on the floor and hugged my knees until I was calm. I stayed frozen for a moment. I was smiling about the lingering fact that I had just got my first real kiss. I would say it felt great, not quite romantic but still great. And then I suddenly remembered it came from the person I like the least. The kiss was everything I had ever imagined, but I was confused by all of it.

Ambrose just trapped me in this claustrophobic room of confusion. My head is overflowing with burning questions that are hard to answer. And the worst part of it is probably that underlying fact that I don't think those questions are going to be answered anytime soon.

What happened?

Why did he kiss me?

I thought he hated everything about me?

I know for a fact that Ambrose hated me to the bones, and that fact alone is making it hard for me to comprehend the things that have happened. If he's given a chance to stab me in the heart, I'm pretty sure he would grab that opportunity without second thoughts and with a smile on his face.

Is he gay?

Is he curious?

I don't know how to respond to that. I know I'm gay, and I have been pretending to be straight ever since I entered Mary Heights High, but there's a certain phrase that's making me overthink this scenario. "It takes one to know one." That's it. That's making me nervous. If Ambrose is gay, then I guess he has this innate radar that all gays have. He might've caught the scent of gayness in me.

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