25.5: A Night To Remember

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Did I hear August enunciate the words right? I asked myself. I'm pretty sure I heard him say the words perfectly clear. I'm not going to hide anything. I was truly astonished by this secret even though it's really nothing to be astonished about. We are both dudes who likes each other and has kissed more times than I could even remember. How gay could that possibly be?

I was dead ass correct when I felt like August was about to drop some sort of a bomb. He really did drop the secret bomb and suddenly this telling of secrets while turned against each other's back felt beneficial for both of us. I have never realized that he was actually gay until now that he has spilled the truth. All this time I thought he was really this straight guy that willing to explore all of the possibilities of things and I was just the gay one who's afraid to admit the reality of things.

It was hard for me to admit that I have developed some sort of feelings for August because I don't really know myself back then. However, now things are getting a bit clearer. When August admitted that he liked me too, I honestly thought he was just this person who's more than willing to exploring the possibilities of things. I'm a little bit speechless now that he has told me the truth. I cannot freaking believe that he's not straight when he's all butched up and I don't see any signs of gayness coming from him at all.

"What?" I asked relishing in my utter astonishment.

"I knew it. You'd be shocked." August mouthed and there's a slight gist of dismay in his overall tone.

"I am. I really thought you were straight." I confessed and I'm not even trying to create a white lie. After all, he was with Rachel and they were like the most famous and the most talked-about couple in all of Mary Heights High.

"HAHAHAHA!!!!" August replied with an almost maniac laughter with a little pinch of distraught and nervousness. I felt his back move and vibrate from the laughter that he was releasing.

"No shit. I really thought that." I spat. "I really thought I'm the gay one and you're the straight dude who's actually willing to explore his sexuality."

"What?" August swerved and that movement made me do the same thing only to see August's surprised expression. "I thought I was the one thinking that kind of shit."

"Well, sorry to disappoint you but you're wrong." I added as we both returned to our original position.

"Listen, Ambrose." August began. "I already came out as gay when I was still in Highmont. I figured I'd have to tell you this because we're telling our secrets. Everyone at school was shocked by my revelation but I did it and I did it with such confidence. I came out right at the moment that I needed it. Some were basically upset about me being gay and that's definitely understandable but most of them were very supportive of me." August went on and I just listened to him talk and spill more of him. "It was unfortunate for me that I haven't had the chance to bask in the glory of being out and proud for a longer period of time. A few months after my coming out of the closet, my world was turned upside down. Crashed and burned. I wasn't ready for any of it. My mom died and my dad quickly found someone new and that's the reason why I'm here."

"Wow." I vocalized expressing my utter shock of the things that August had just revealed to me. "I didn't know all of that. I'm so sorry to hear that." I turned around and he was still facing the window.

I just hugged him from behind. I slowly let my arms slither around his torso and just gave him this much needed hug. I figured he needed this sort of comfort after telling me this huge secret. I felt sorry about what happened to her mom. It also just dawned upon me that he's actually the gay one and I was just the straight one willing to explore my sexuality. It sucks to think that I have a limited knowledge of gay people mostly because the only gay people that I know was Jessie, and he was the most vibrant and the most flamboyant type of person. I thought that's how you spot a gay person but I'm fucking wrong. Perhaps that's one of the reason why I never really had a hint that August might actually be gay. I just thought that I like him and he likes me and that was it.

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