18.5: A Secret Affair

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I'm not so sure as to why Ambrose had to write a note in a piece of paper when he could've easily sent me a text message. It's the most digital and the easiest way rather than risking things just to drop that note under the bush. I don't know what's going on inside that head of his but I guess passing notes in secrecy felt even more romantic than just plainly sending a text message.

The day rolled out pretty casual with me still playing the royal role of being Rachel's picture perfect boyfriend. I don't even know why I'm still doing this wild theatrical act when I don't even need the protection anymore. Ambrose doesn't have this hatred and anger for me anymore. He's no longer yearning to beat the shit out of me. Perhaps it's the popularity that I'm still gunning for and Rachel's not failing at letting the light shining on me.

Lunch break came and as much as I'm trying my best to be present in the conversation that the group was having, my eyes kept on stealing solid glances at Ambrose. I'm getting giddier each time I lay my eyes on him and I'm not even realizing that there are a lot of eyes inside the room. I made some sort of way to downplay my game of stealing glances just so no one would notice me. The odds were somehow in favor of me that they blessed Ambrose with a bit of smartness. He positioned himself to the most adjacent part of our table giving me a clear shot view of him and it only made things a lot easier. He kept on smiling like a kid while having some conversation with his group and I couldn't keep myself from thinking that I'm the reason of that beautiful line on his face. He may be talking to Phil but his eyes were clearly stealing glances at me too and that's more than enough to make my day. We were both sharing this telepathic connection that no one seemed to have inside this wide room.

The day continued to roll out pretty typical but the inner gayness inside of me was already gritting in eagerness for the day to end. Last period finally came and there's only an hour left before I could finally meet Ambrose. The last time that we hanged out together was that Saturday morning when I woke up inside his bigger spoon and we even cooked together. I missed him the whole day of Sunday and now I can't wait to hang out with him again. All of my thoughts about him was suddenly washed out when my brain brought out this person named Rachel Curtis. Thankfully, she's on the other class and not with me but I'm already thinking of some reasons to tell her in order for me to ditch her later. It's our daily routine that I should come and get her every last period, however today's going to be a bit different. I know that for sure and I'm somehow guilty that I have to ditch her today.

By the time the last period bell rang I was the first one out of the room and I'm going to put the blame on this thing that people call eagerness and excitement. I know I should be the first one to get out of this building if I don't want to be seen by either Nicole or Victoria. People began flooding the hallway which made things a little bit difficult and a little bit easier at the very same time. It's difficult for me to find a quicker pace without bumping into some random kid but it's easier at the same time because I'm pretty confident that Rachel was still waiting inside the room of her last period. Rachel doesn't like squeezing herself in the middle of a bustling crowd especially at the very end of the day. She hates all of the greasiness and the smell of mixed sweat from every single person rushing to either go home or go to their respective curricular activities. Plus, she already made a habit of waiting for me to come and get her. That might change though and I don't know if it's going to be permanent or not. She's probably still sitting on her desk and is busy scrolling down on her social media accounts not knowing what's happening. In chivalrous epoch, she's patiently waiting for an August to show up like a knight in shining armor except that knight won't show up because he's going to meet another knight.

I didn't even return my stuff to my locker and I was already outside the building more than ready to leave the school perimeters. I walked faster and eventually reached the parking lot where I saw Ambrose's motorcycle parked right beside Phil's car. I didn't bring my bicycle today and it actually came out pretty handy knowing that Ambrose have his own motorcycle. I brought myself towards the back of Phil's car thinking of hiding for a while as I wait for Ambrose to show up. I kept on looking around, still keeping my body out of sight, and I eventually saw Ambrose approaching. He was moving his around and was probably looking for signs of me. I waited for him to reach his motorcycle before eventually showing up.

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