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The first Friday of the school semester came quicker than I thought. I woke up this morning and I feel ten million times better than how I felt during the first and second day. It is wild to ponder about how things have escalated so quickly in such a short period of time. I had to make some snappy adjustments to myself. I was just a simple nobody a few days earlier and now everyone at school knows who I am and what I did. Some are even calling me 'The Usurper' just because I made Ambrose's suspension possible. I don't think I've done so much to be called the usurper, to be perfectly frank, I just poked the bear.

I was riding my way to school when suddenly, Rachel's invitation flashed at the back of my head. I remember saying yes to her but deep down, I'm still skeptical about actually hanging out with them. First of all, I know Rachel is the only person that Ambrose cares for, and hanging out with her will only make the target behind my back even bigger than it already is. And second, I'm sure Ambrose had already marked me as his nemesis and I can already imagine the kind of hell that he will give me.

I am afraid of Ambrose, he's really a big terrifying bully just like Mary said. But then I suddenly thought of keeping my popularity stable. I only have two choices and they are good at juggling my head. A, I hang out with Rachel and I get to keep my popularity as well as the ability to create the best high school memories. I'm thinking of the reality that when I grow old, I have a lot of fun memories to look back at. Or B, decline Rachel's invitation and slowly become unpopular in a week or two.

I'm aware that whichever choice I choose; Ambrose will always be there to fu** me up in the end. That bastard got me trapped in all corners and I really hate him for that. I liked him when I first saw him, he appeared to be one of those hot bad boys that I see on TV, but now I don't give a fu** about him.

I tried shaking everything off of my mind and focused on pedaling. The cool breeze of the wind was kind enough to join me in my pedaling journey. By the time I got to school, I saw Mary, Rock and Gustav gathered at their usual spot.

"Thank God it's Friday!" I let out as soon I settled down with them. I was totally expecting if they might have some cool stuff planned out to do after class. A part of me is thinking they might have actually planned some kind of boring activities like playing board games and whatnot but that was just me still judging them.

"You sound excited," Mary spat. She was focused on putting on some liquid eyeliner on her eyes.

"Of course I am. It's Friday, everyone loves Friday."

"Yeah, except for us." Rock was already moping around and my expectations vanished into thin air.

"Do you mean you don't have anything cool to do after class?" I asked as Mary and Rock went quiet.

"I do," Gustav chirped raising his hand as if this is a recitation.

"What's that?"

"I go home, order two boxes of pizza, and watch Fairytail."

"What?" I was somehow disappointed to hear that. "That sounds like your everyday routine."

"Yes, it is. Not the pizza but I do watch anime every time I go home." Gustav said and this is probably one of the reasons why they are as good as invisible. They don't socialize with their peers.

"What if we plan something?!" I suggested. I was thinking of inviting them to our house and do some fun stuff. I'm sure my parents would love to get to know my friends.

"Nope, nope, nope!!!!" Mary stood up and pulled me a few meters away from Rock and Gustav.

"What?" I asked and Mary just popped her eyes on me until I realized what she actually meant. "Oh, I think I'm going to pass," I said pertaining to Rachel's invitation.

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